VIII. Of Essays and Secrecy

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He stared at the stack of papers on his desk, sighing as he examined the cursive writings on each. Slowly, Adar began creating a series of letters addressed to the leaders of the liberation, questioning their intentions, criticizing their violent war efforts, and offering his own insight on the liberation as a whole.

Sighing, Adar picked up his pen and another sheet of paper, beginning another letter.

To supporters of this revolution,

I ask why you feel the need to resort to violence instead of diplomatic relations? I ask why you encourage the youth away from Islam? I ask why this Muslim country decides to fight against our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam?

We have gained our independence, but we are not good at maintaining it.

Over the course of the last few weeks, our youth have rioted against our current government, only falling to their knees in defeat at the end. Blood stains our land, our hands, and our bodies. We will continue to be covered in blood if conditions do not change.

Why do we fight? Why do we harm other believers? Why do we commit war crimes for independence?

Independence is not as complex as we formulate it to be. It is a simple concept that comes from within. True peace will not be achieved through these war efforts. True prosperity will not be achieved through violence.

Those incompetent "liberation" leaders want to go against Islam, against our beliefs, and against Allah. The Qur'an has the answer to all of our worldly struggles, yet very few seem to read the carefully crafted verses to find resolutions. Allah does not tell us to fight first.

He advises diplomatic relations, being peaceful in the face of conflict. Unless our homes are threatened, then we should not engage in war as a first option. We must consider the alternatives.

Our people are angry over our lack of representation in the government. We can arrange peaceful meetings to accomplish this task not attacking with guns. Many countries achieve further independence before realizing their greatest mistake, where they are thrown to the Western wolves of the world with no defense.

They become the puppets and dolls of chess masters.

Allah has given us mouths for a reason. He gave us a voice for a purpose. We should use these blessings to our advantage. Do not put your fist where your mouth should be. Do not mistaken a revolution as freedom.

Oppressors come in many forms. I advise our people to proceed with caution in every aspect of this revolution. Think before you attack.

The pencil fell from his fingers. A cramp wound its way around his hand, painful jeers crunching between his knuckles. He did not realize how absorbed in his writings he had become. Adar leaned against his chair, the wood creaking from the sudden movement. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he wondered how the public would react to his letters.

Would they harm him for his Islamic view?

Adar had heard stories of those who went against the revolution, the cases of civil disagreements piled on their shoulders like weights attached to a pole of dishonesty. Each lie weighed heavier than the last.

Through gangs, bribery, and threats were such people able to succeed. They thrived on fear, a determining factor in the war efforts, and Adar was completely against it. He knew his people had potential to become as great as Western powers, but they were trapped in history repeating itself.

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