should i stay or should i go?

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The letter of my results from the singing competition lay on my desk but I was in no hurry to open it. The brown envelope had arrived in the morning but I didn't want my sadness or happiness from my results to overshadow Nea's birthday bash. 

Nea's present was wrapped neatly with a hot pink bowtie (hot pink had always been her favourite colour) . Her birthday usually fell on a bank holiday meaning that we could hang out together. And since she was turning 17, we decided to do something a bit more scandalous.

Illegal drinking at the park. 

"See you later Ake! Make sure you bring the picnic blanket!" Dad screamed from the kitchen. He was preparing a meal for mum.

I was happy to see mum actually moving even if it was only inside the house and I had spotted her knitting, probably to take her mind off everything. I was just happy to have her home. She was disappointed at the fact that she couldn't have seen my 'stunning' performance but I assured her that I would do mini performances just for her whenever she requested one.

I closed the front door, carrying both mine and Shazzlyn's gift in a large gift bag with neon balloons attached. 

Shazzlyn couldn't attend since it was against her religion to drink alcohol. I felt bad since she would have loved to be there but she assured us it would be okay, especially as she had a convention to attend anyways. 

Of course, I was running late. Luckily Munroe was meeting me at our usual bus stop. We were still just friends. And I genuinely hoped it stayed that way. A few months had given me wisdom. I wasn't ready. Munroe was, I think, but how could I possibly know what was going on in that boy's head?

"Hurry up, Ake. We are really late now!"

"I know. I know. At least help me carry the balloons." Munroe grabbed the balloons which were threatening to break free from the bag and we entered the incoming bus.

"How was your therapy sesh last Wednesday?" We took seats near the front of the 45 bus.

"It was the usual. I sat. He sat. No words exchanged, only impatient glances."

I sighed. "When will you start talking? I don't want to rush you but you have had like five sessions already."

"When I'm ready I guess. I don't like sharing my personal life stories with strangers. You know that."

"That's true...You just have to look at it from a different perspective. He is not a stranger. He is an old friend that you lost contact with. That way it won't seem that strange. Honestly, you just need to force your-"

The bus jolted forward sending me crashing into the seat in front. Munroe shot up to check if I was okay. 

"Ake? Ake?"

"I'm fine." He helped me up, as onlooking strangers glanced over.  

"Oh man. Nea's wrapping paper got damaged."

"Forget the wrapping paper. I'm sure it's the gift she is looking forward to. Are you sure you're okay? It looks like you've got a bruise. Come closer."

An old lady with a walking stick chuckled behind us. "You two are so adorable. What a lovely pair. Maybe this cello tape can help patch your gift up."

"We're not-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Munroe rudely interrupted.

"Thank you m'aam. That's really kind of you." He smiled goofily at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. This fucker knew what he was doing. I was not gonna let him get away with it.

"I wouldn't say that we are a lovely couple. He kissed my sister behind my back! He also took money out of my bank account."

The lady smiled. "I can tell that you are lying missy. It's not good to lie." And before I could reply she hobbled off the bus. Munroe gave me a smug look as we swivelled back in our seats.

"What can I say? We're just meant to be."


The cork flew across the grass.

"I'm not getting that!" Salma yelled. "Samuel go get it."

"Hey that's no fair..." Samuel responded whilst moving to get the cork anyways.

Nea chuckled. We all patiently waited for the rum to be poured into our plastic wine glasses. I was the DJ for the day and I decided to put on my rave playlist.

I had only ever had a cider and a few shots of vodka before. But never a whole glass of rum. It tasted nice though as we all laughed and chatted about random things. After two glasses though, things started to take a turn. Nea and I were dancing to WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion.

Behind the maple tree, Nea's other friends were in a heated discussion about whether milk should be poured before cereal.

I didn't realise, however, how tipsy I was. Not until I poured rum into Munroe's hair.

All chatter stopped.

"Oopie!" I giggled and ran away as fast as I could.

Munroe was suddenly chasing after me at full speed. I faintly heard Nea say "Ignore those two."

Adrenaline took over as I ran into the middle of the field. There weren't a lot of people on this side of the park so it wasn't too embarrassing. I somehow managed to trip over my own two feet, tumbling into the grass. I could hear Munroe's trainers catching up. Nope. Not getting up. It was all a bit dizzy.

"Finally caught up with you." Munroe tried to catch his breath and dry off his shirt.

In my giggly state, I decided to play a trick on Munroe. I pretended to fall asleep.

"Are you sleeping Ake?" Munroe wasn't as tipsy as I was. For some reason I still thought my trick had worked. And then he proceeded to tickle me. I laughed so hard I started to cry.

"Stop it!" I managed to yelp in between my laughs. The position we were in was a little too intimate for my liking. He straddled me, forcing me to stay on the grass.

I knew what would stop him. Before my brain could resist, I pulled Munroe's face towards mine and kissed him.

What was I doing? Brain! Hello! It was too late. The mixture of alcohol in my system made me do things that I would definitely regret tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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