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i'm so sorry this chapter is so shit, i'm currently suffering from writers block and my lifes just been very confusing overall but i hadn't updated in a while so im sorry if this is not the best. 

thank you all so much for 1k reads<3

george brought his lips down to dream's own and kissed him.

he looked down at the boy in arms, sadness mixed with affection in his gaze.

'just in case.'


footsteps pounded around george's ears, the sound of people's urgent voices and of doors slamming echoed around him, like some kind of sick torture method used to drive people insane.

he blocked out the noise, focusing on the man in his arms.

the man he was clutching too.

he was so beautiful. that was undeniable.

but it was his eyes that gripped george. they were enough to take the breath away from anyone, george included.

they were an aquarium of blue, but even as he lay there, dying, they held more life than any seaworld. they were the first things for anyone to notice, but they weren't the main singers. they were the back up dances that all eyes were drawn to. the one thats easily outshined the rest. they were the sun behind the eclipse, easily the most beautiful thing about his face.

he held him tighter.

george could hear the yelling getting louder and he opened his mouth to call out for the people who could help. the people who could save dream.

he was still watching dream, his eyes never leaving his face and his hands never leaving his torso as he hugged him tightly to his body. he could see his own tears on dream's cheeks, the light from the bathroom reflected off of them.

and he was still.

deadly still.

from behind him he could hear the bathroom door open and people sprint into the room. he could hear the crackling of a microphone faintly and he felt hope surge through his body. maybe he was gonna be okay. he was gonna live.

then he felt dream slip from his body as the paramedics attempted to rush him back to safety. no, he couldnt let them take him. he needed him. he needed his dream.

he could hear himself cry out as he held onto dream tightly, shaking his head as tears tumbled down his face, mixing with his saliva and dream's blood on the floor. someone was trying to pry his fingers off of dream but he held on tightly, clutching him to his chest.

'no.' he screamed at them, he hit out. he wanted to hurt whoever was trying to take dream away, whoever was trying to make dream leave george.

he felt his hand connect with something and a man cursed, muttering something angrily into a microphone, the static hurt george's ears.

suddenly dream was gone and george looked up and saw the foggy outline of the man outstretched over another mans shoulder.

they were taking him away.

george rose to his feet, shaking slightly and tried to lunge for dream but he felt hands around his waist holding him back.

he screamed at the person, thrashing around, trying to get to his best friend.

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