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'dream hurry up, we're leaving in five.'

the blonde man looked up from his phone where he had been scrolling through reddit looking at ideas for various manhunt clutches he could use when he had fully recovered. 

george was standing across the small hospital room glowering at him, a pair of his underwear in his hands.

'george why are you holding my boxers,' dream giggled, his light cheeks quickly flushing with a pale pink colour.

george's face went bright red and he glared at him even harder, dropping the underpants in a hurry, his teeth clenched together in a hard line.

'i'm actually trying to pack unlike you who's sitting on your lazy ass not doing shit.' george growled between gritted teeth, his fists clenched in tight balls by his side as he stared at dream angrily.

dropping his phone dream propped himself up on his elbows, returning george's stare almost as angrily, his voice low and dangerous.

'i tried to fucking kill myself george, give me a break.' his eyes flashed at george dangerously, his anger visible from across the room.

george knew it would be idiotic for him to provoke dream further but his rising anger was unpreventable in the few seconds it took for him to open his mouth.

'stop being dramatic and get your ass out of bed.' he turned away, not daring to meet dream's inevitably angry eye as he bent down to pick up the discarded underwear off of the floor and replace it in the pink suitcase by the door.

to george's surprise he heard the rustle of bedsheets and then the sound of dream's feet shuffling across the cold tiled floor towards him, his head down in embarrassment so his blonde locks covered his facial features.

george couldn't read his expression.

'i'm sorry i shouldn't have got mad-.' george began to stutter out, flushing deeply as dream's dark green eyes raised up to meet with george's own.

'no i'm sorry, i shouldn't have got angry.'

dream reached down to pick up his suitcase, his blonde hair hiding his facial expression again, the curls covering his eyes from george's hungry view.

he liked knowing what people were thinking.

dream straightened up again, his suitcase in hand as he surveyed the small boy infront of him.

the british boys hair was ruffled from spending days on end sleeping in the cramped plastic hospital chair by the door, his skin bruised from the nights he'd spent with dream clutching his arms in terror as he dreamt through another nightmare and his fingernails chewed to the skin with worry over the recovery of the floridan man.

he was truly a state.

although dream had only properly known the small man for a few weeks he'd begun to understand why he'd spent so many years with george, his affection for the boy growing more and more every day but it wasn't until that moment that dream realised just how much he'd done for him.

as they walked to the car together, navigating the long hospitable corridors, all lined with identical heavy wooden doors with numerous plaques of different sizes depicting the rooms occupants names, they chatted together comfortably.

dream was slowly realising just how much george had sacrificed to make sure he was having a safe and happy recovery so as they slid into the car together he wrapped his arms around the small boy, engulfing his frail frame in a bear hug, his hands ruffling his hair affectionately.

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