𝒯𝓌𝑜 - 𝒯𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝑜𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝑅𝓊𝓃 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝒪𝒻 𝑅𝒽𝓎𝓂𝑒

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Alex's P.O.V
She was talking to me but I wasn't listening, and maybe that made me a douche but I just didn't want to be here. The only reason I came was to get inspiration and she was giving me none, but that painting didn't look professional I could tell by the way there were little gaps between the black outline and the colour. "Did you do that?" I think I interrupted her because she looked a bit offended "No, that's Maudes she didn't want me t-" I got up and walked away from her, strolling over to the girl sitting by herself on the floor just scrolling through her phone like being around us wasn't impressing her in the slightest, I liked it.

I handed her a beer and she just looked at me her wide eyes seeing directly through me. She took the beer from my hand reluctantly "don't worry love, there's nothing in there" I reassured her "oh- I wasn't assuming there was but now I kind of-" "so, you paint" she looked at me funny I couldn't tell if she was upset by the fact I interrupted or confused by the question I had asked her. "...yeah, how did you-" "Your friend" I interrupted again, this time I could tell that it was my interrupting that made her upset because she just got up and walked away. She was captivating, as she walked away my eyes wouldn't leave her, the way she bounced when she walked there goes my inspiration I thought to myself.

I hopped up from the floor and Moss or whatever her name was sort of glared at me, she probably thought I was some creep that just after her for sex, but the truth was I wasn't sure what I was after I just needed another chance at whatever it was. I put my hands in the air in surrender and just walked over to my coat rustling through the pockets, cigarettes, lighter, gum, there it was my small black leather journal with a cheap black ribbon holding it shut. I walked over to the talkative one and asked for a pen "I don't have one but Maude-" Maude that's what her name was, I walked away before Matts girlfriend could suck me into another dreadful conversation with her, I walked over to Maude with my hands up in the air so she knew I wasn't coming to flirt with her, well not on purpose.

"Come to interrupt me again?" she seethed, I just giggled causing her face to soften at me "No, actually I came to ask if you had a pen," I said softly trying not to upset her again because I didn't want to waste another and probably my last chance. "Umm, yeah sure it's in my room follow me" I'd follow you anywhere my brain wouldn't shut up about her you've only just met her I shot back at my imagination which was running wild as she unlocked her door from the outside, and she thinks ahead, no, shut up, but she's so beautiful and contagiously awkward my logic and my imagination fought back in forth until it was interrupted by her waving her hand in my face "Helloooo" "oh right, sorry" my face went red.

I walked into her room after her, there were posters on the wall and three water cups beside her bed that she must have forgotten to drink considering they were full. I shut the door behind me causing her to turn around with wide eyes, "what?" "Dude, did you just close that door" she was looking like a complete maniac but she's still gorgeous, shut up I couldn't get the words out considering I was thinking I had done something terribly offensive "Shit, Shit, Shit, fuck we're locked in here" Yes, Yes, Yes we're locked in here. She walked over to me this time without a bounce she began pounding on the door but no one was gonna hear over her ridiculously named speaker. This might just be the best night of my life.

Never Him II Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now