𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 - 𝒢𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓈 𝐵𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑜𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝐸𝑔𝑜

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Alex's POV
I had woken up in a daze this morning, I was feeling almost depressed with the whole not seeing Maude, which if I'm being completely honest worried me.... a-lot. She would break it off with me before you could snap your fingers and I don't think she realized how much I liked her, because I did. She was changing me and I couldn't quite tell where everything was going, I didn't have a plan and for once in my life, I didn't give a shit.

Maude was the kind of girl who was into astrology and fell asleep to podcasts on rainy days. When she texted me and told me that she'd be in Sheffield my heart leapt out of my chest and did somersaults. I know I shouldn't have, but I had to. When I got home from the night we met...I googled her. I googled only the necessities. First I had to look up 'Maude Popworld' because she never fucking told me her last name.

Atherton, Christ that's beautiful...Maude Atherton.

Then came the real searches, things like 'Maude Atherton racist' only thing that came up was her saying that "racism is still a problem, just because it isn't being broadcast right now doesn't make it any less a thing. So please, be kind and just don't be a fucking dickhead"

box one checked, she's not racist

'Maude Atherton homophobic' I didn't think anything would come up but. Boy was I wrong.

"Maude Atherton comes out as Bi-Sexual" wow I wasn't- I didn't- nope yep that makes sense actually, moving on. 'Maude Atherton Myspace' "Maude Atherton talks social media and internet bands"

I- Do you have any social media such as Facebook and/or Myspace

M- No I don't have any of that sort of thing and unless something comes around that isn't complete shit and could be useful in everyday life then I don't plan on getting any of that bullshit.

So we felt the same way about social media but I have to say I was disappointed because like a creep I couldn't see her face unless she came to Sheffield or I went to Rotherham (something I try to avoid as much as I can).

With my research complete and my outfit chosen, I stood by the door patiently awaiting her knock. I heard the hard soul of her Docs walking down the hall to my flat, shit am I ready, do I look okay, where do I put my hands, what do I s- my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her evil eye ring hitting the metal door to my flat "shit!" I shouted from the other side of the door causing her to laugh and say "everything alright in their love"

fuck no of course it's not, YOU'RE AT MY HOUSE

"Yep fine, everything is good I'm having the time of my life woohoo"

please please please shut the fuck up Alex Jesus you're so annoying she probably hates you

"Can you maybe open the door so I can join you, it's cold in the hall"

oh my god, I didn't fucking- Jesus Christ.

I opened the door as I ruffled my hair "Sorry I was caught up in my thoughts" Now, it should've stopped there right...wrong "I was thinking about how I was googling you the other night and making sure if you were racist or something like that, and then I found out you were Bi and I thought that was cool and fun and nice because I am too tha knows"

shit did I just, I just came out to- I hadn't even told matt

"All alrighty then...are you like okay do you need a glass of water or something" she looked genuinely concerned for me but who wouldn't be concerned about someone in the state that I was in "I need a glass of you"

WHAT THE FUCK what am I supposed to say after I've said that she's gonna kill me. I got it! I'll just play it cool as I meant it her socks will be knocked off.

Sorry if this isn't reight good, not my best work, I was struggling for ideas but I've got myself a rough outline of where it's gonna go but I might change it up. Once again thanks so much for reading this and I love you all <3

Never Him II Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now