till death do us part

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❤️They is some really bad stuff in this sooo leave if you're sensitive to the following:

- rape

- bulling

- weigh mention

- break up ❤️

*jade POV*

Drake: uh, Jade...

Jade: yeah.

Drake: I gotta help the cheerleaders with some choreography, okay?

Jade: sure, okay.

Kinda worried about him, the major part of the cheerleaders are all over him. I just don't want him to find someone better than me...

❤️ 1 hour later ❤️

Drake walks in

Jade: hello!

Drake: hey...
I'm going to my room, cya later...

Now I'm even more scared for him...

Brit opens the door

Jade: what do you want..?

Brit: to tell you something...

Jade: what is it..?

Brit: just, come with me...

She pulled me aside

Brit: he's cheating...

Jade: wha-

Brit: he came to choreograph the routine for the cheerleaders and we kissed in the back room, sorry Jade...

Jade: are you joking..?

Brit: no...

Jade: well...thanks for saying...

Brit: anytime, I didn't think he'd really go through with it...

Jade: I'm glad I know how he feels...
But if you don't mind I'd like some alone time to think...

Brit: that's fine! Call me if you need me...

Jade: will do...

She walked out

Jade: *sobs*

Drake: *walks in*
Jade why are you crying!?

Jade: You! That's why!

Drake: oh god, she told you, didn't she..?

Jade: YES! SHE DID! how could you cheat on me, with HER of all people!?

Drake: I'm sorry jade I just-

Jade: I don't wanna hear it...
We're done...

Drake: n-no jade don't-

Jade: I just told you, we're over, I can't deal with all this heart ache.

Drake: I'm sorry Jade...

Jade: sorry isn't good enough for me...

❤️ 1 week later (so many time skips I know) ❤️

girl 1: So... Jade was cheated on..?

Girl 2: yeah...she deserves it though...

Girl 3: agreed...

Girl 2: wanna go teach her a lesson for being such a slut?

Girl 1: totally...

Girl 3: count me in...

*Third person POV*

Jade jade been feeling helpless for the past week due to the "Brit situation"

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