Back To The Slammer We Go!

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Maggie Sparrow had been inside her fair share of prisons, probably more than an immoral eight year old girl should. But the Saint Martin Prison was less livable than most prisons, ironically because it had more. It had more prisoner's, it had more guards, it had more filth... and more hay. Apparently some of the local livestock owners like to use the prison as storage as well. As if the prison wasn't crowded enough...

However Captain Jack decided to put the hay bails to good use. Maggie watched her father as he took off his coat and hat and put it onto a stack of hay.

"Hey, look at that! It's Captain Jack Scarecrow!" Maggie giggled at the hay-filled stand-in. "If he only had a brain..."

"I can't imagine how a Scarecrow would have any use for a brain?" Jack furrowed his eyebrows.

"I wasn't referring to the Scarecrow" Maggie smiled wryly.

Jack frowned "Don't get smart with me, Missy."

Suddenly they heard the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairway near their cell.

"Someone's coming!" Jack hissed, grabbing Maggie and pressing her to the wall beside the bars. "Keep quiet so no one hears us!"

"What's there to talk about?" Maggie asked.

"Shhh!" Jack hissed.

Soon after a young man in a soldiers uniform appeared at the bars of their cell.

"Psst! I need to speak with you!" He said to the Jack Scarecrow decoy.

When he didn't answer the solider turned his back to the cell. Not a moment later, Jack snaked his arm around the young man's neck and yanked him against the bars of the cell, strangling him. Maggie pulled out her dagger and put the edge of the blade near the solider's side.

"Hand me your sword!" Captain Jack demanded.

"I don't have a sword..." the solider wheezed.

"What kind of solider has no weapon?" Maggie asked, suspiciously.

"I'm currently wanted for treason" the Solider gasped.

"So not the very good kind then" Jack nodded.

"I'm looking for two pirates, Captain Jack and Maggie Sparrow?" The young man asked desperately.

"Well today's your lucky day..." Jack released the boy from his grip. "Cause I just happen to be Captain Jack Sparrow!"

The young man turned to look at him and seemed both shocked and disappointed.

"No, it can't be" he shook his head. "I spent years looking for... this?"

Captain Jack's smile fell.

"The great Jack Sparrow is not some drunk in a cell" he said.

"Then you don't know Jack!" Maggie snickered. "It's kind of a regular thing with him. The being drunk part, the being in a cell part only happens every once in a while."

The solider ignored her. "Don't you even have a ship?" He asked Jack. "A crew?" His gaze shifted downward "Pant?"

"A great pirate does not require such intricacies" was Jack's answer.

"Can I take my pants off too?" Maggie asked.

"No" Jack told her.

"C'mon Dad, it's hot!" Maggie whined.

"Maggie! There is a boy present!" Jack reminded her.

"That was my second reason..." she muttered.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now