Beyond Our Beloved Horizon...

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It was the early evening when the Black Pearl dropped off Henry and Carina at the Turner's Lighthouse across the bay from Port Royal.

Captain Jack watched through his telescope as Will and Elizabeth slowly pulled away from each other's embrace, only to kiss. Jack put his spyglass down and shuddered.

"What a truly revolting sight" he said.

"Aw, you're just sore cause Lizzie stayed faithful to Will and your sitting over here like a single chump" Maggie told him. She took the spyglass from him and took a look for herself. "Oooh, I see William's still keeping it tight..." she muttered glancing at Will's back side as he hugged his wife. Then she noticed Henry walking into view "Although youth does have it's advantages..."

Captain Jack's eyes widened. "WHAT?!" he shrieked.

Maggie jumped and put the spyglass down. "No, no! I meant... th-that's a thing that the kids say nowadays!" She stammered. "Y'know, like... Hey, girl! You keeping it tight! Tight basically means cool!"

"Mm-hmm" Jack stared at her skeptically.

"It's true!" Maggie told him.

"Make way! Captain Jack and Maggie Sparrow on deck!" Mr. Gibbs announced.

Jack nodded. "Indeed!" he bowed and made his way to the helm as the crew paid their respects, Murtogg and Mullroy among them.

Maggie smiled as she watched him. Her father was back where he wanted to be and where he should be, being a captain. And more importantly, Maggie got her cabin back! Rooming with her father aboard the Dying Gull wasn't always great... he snored... a lot.

The members of the crew took turns welcoming Captain Jack back.

"Thank you very much. Hello! I remember you! Coming through..." Captain Jack nodded to them as he made his way to the helm. "Master Gibbs?"

"The ship is yours, Captain" Mr. Gibbs nodded.

"I thank you" Jack walked to the helm, sliding his fingers over the wood and taking his place, happy to be back on his beloved Pearl, a faint smile on his lips.

"Daddy!" Maggie popped up beside him.

"AHH! Maggie!" Jack yelped.

"Look who I found!" She held up Jack the Monkey, who she dressed in a sparkly purple tuxedo.

"AHH! Monkey!" Jack yelped.

"Can we keep him?" Maggie grinned widely.

"No" Jack replied flatly.

"Aww, c'mon Daddy!" Maggie whimpered. "He promised to give your compass back...?"

Jack the Monkey slowly held out Jack's compass as an offering. Captain Jack took it, just as slowly, smiling uneasily and eyeing the creature suspiciously.

"Thank you" he said uncertainly.

"I even taught him to use a litter box!" Maggie added, setting the little primate down in a box of sand on the deck. "Go on, Jacky. Make a pee-pee! Or a poo-poo..."

The monkey stared up at her, seemingly confused.

Captain Jack raised a skeptical brow.

"He just doesn't need to go yet" Maggie shrugged meekly.

Mr. Gibbs looked at a set of charts. "What be our heading, Captain?"

"We shall follow the stars, Master Gibbs" Jack replied, looking foreward from the helm.

"Aye aye, Captain!" Mr. Gibbs tossed the charts away with a smile.

Captain Jack opened his compass and watched the needlepoint sway. He picked up Maggie and put one hand on the wheel.

"We have a rendezvous beyond our beloved horizon" he looked at his greatest treasure, kissing her cheek.

Maggie smiled, hugging her father and content that everything was as it should be.

Jack the Monkey hopped onto his shoulder opposite Maggie and Jack looked at the creature nervously. The Black Pearl sailed through the seas and into the horizon... forever...?

Is this the end? Be sure to check out the Authors Note below to find out!

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