i have no idea what to name this please give me ideas

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A/N alright im back i honestly have just had no idea what to write but i was reading your comments and decided you guys deserve another part, so id like to say a few things ive got a few comments asking if you can mix the outfits, and you can do what whatever you want i just know i like having an starter idea of what im wearing but you can have something different , also this is a safe space and you guys can always text me im here for you you are now my family alright now on to the chapter 

it had been about a week and right now the kids are working on a test, and im narrating myself, damn


god, who said that bell could be so loud how dare it, like rude and there went bakugou witch means the others are gone I'm alone, alone what dose it me why is it so bad when people say alone everyone feels bad for them. what if- "Y/N!" "huh! ya aizawa?" you where zoning out, its lunch time" "oh! id rather work" when i said it i knew it wasn't a lie but aizawa wont believe that he'll think I'm falling back in to old habits, but honestly i just want to work "ya...no. Y/N not happening" and now he's dragging me i might as well just eat the food I ate I didn't really talk but i just wanted to work or maybe I'm just so stressed I'm working to lie to myself, maybe, ill just go and be little after work god I just don't know, why do feelings have to be so god damn complicated. "Y/N!!" "..." Y/N!" and with that aizawa smacked the table "hm?" geez what's got you so up in your head" "idk" 

aizawas pov

why is she so blank face she starring off into space its weird and with that she left it had been a few hours I don't know what she was doing she sounded busy so I figured id leave her be for a while 

Y/N's pov

I had to set up then get started I still cant believe no one know i do this on the side its kind of funny truly 

ohhhh... what are yall cute readers doing on the side well you get to choose you guys comment out of these three options 1. a singer who doesn't show her face 2. a streamer or 3. a dancer no of them show your face so in the comments put 1 2 or 3

A/N okay so if you want to have your name instead of y/n go in to your search bar and type " interactiveFics" then get the browser extension then you can put your name instead of y/n! cool right, so pick one to or three and well see what happens!, also who ever comments the best title for this chapter i will name it that and shout you out in the next chapter, now have a good day my lovely simps with daddy issues  

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