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ewwwwwwwwwwww! someone shut it up!..oh wait I'm the someone who has to shut it up 


good gob its off! ew i have work

knock knock!

"WHATTTTTTT" "well I can see your up" "mmmm-AHHHHH" 'thud' "ow" and there i was on the floor face first coffee spilt on my head I'm sorry I mean HOT coffee spilt on my head and now i need to re shower change and be late "FUCKKKKKKKK" I stomped into my bathroom took of my hot coffee filled clothes  and threw the clothes on the floor stepped in turned the water on- and of fucking course its freezing cold why am i not surprised it finally warmed up I finished up and changed walking to my classroom now in a bad mood god could my day get much wor-'thud' "sorry" great now my things are everywhere and now knowing my luck that was the new teacher fuckkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeee  just peachy "you good pup~" what no it cant be him! frozen in fear its him HIM no no and just as fast I fell I got my things and ran to daddy's office knew he wouldn't be there since he had class and I locked the door

knock knock knock~

"pup~ I saw you run in here so co- oh sorry my girlfriend ran in here"

"is that so..?"

and that was it i heard daddy's voice and i ran into his arms holding him as tight as i could

"pup come on stop bothering the stranger"

"NO NO STAY AWAY daddy don't make go with him!"

"of course i wont princess"

"d-daddy !? princess!?"

and after awhile of sorting things out and Shinsou's help he was finally in jail and away, with my bad luck I just couldn't catch a break so when it was said and done i went to my dorm daddy fallowed and I was just being a brat and now we have bed time

"princess bedtime"


"excuse me?"

"no! I want to play more"

and like that I was picked up and set in front of daddy

"now princess I'm going to count to three and if you dont start getting ready your going to be in big trouble"


nu uh no I don't care


well maybe I do 


and like that I was running to get ready

"good girl"

and i was ready to past out on my face witch is what I did

A/N hello this one was for the brats and I hope you guys like it❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

princess (aizawa x fem littlespace reader)Where stories live. Discover now