Die Schlange

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Die Sclange Translates to "The Snake." In German.


[Josuke's POV:] 

Jeongyeon arrived today, I picked her up at the airport, with her parents. It was kinda awkward, Jeongyeon introduced me to them as a friend not a boyfriend, even though she wanted me to be introduced to them as her bf,  I told her no, since their lives is still on the line. So the whole drive, it was really quiet just the radio. 

"So what do you do Josuke?" Her father asked me in a serious manner. 

I took a deep breath, "I'm just a student like your daughter sir." I told him in a straight manner. 

"I see, what do you want to do after college?" He asked me another one. 

"A doctor sir. A Nephrologist sir!" I answered enthusiastically. 

"Hmmm not bad, anyways if anyone is picking up my daughter, I want you to protect her okay?" He said to me, placing his hand over my shoulder.

"Yes sir I will." I answered him back, looking through to the rear-view-mirror. 

Jeongyeon smiled at me, she wanted to place her hand unto to mine while my hand rest at the gear stick. 

I signaled her no, not that I don't want to. I just don't want to get caught by her parents. 

There was no traffic, so we reach their house quickly than expected. 

Jeongyeon wanted a kiss, I don't wanna refuse her so as soon as her parents got inside. 

I gave her a kiss in the lips, a lovely kiss for a few seconds. 

She giggled, "Thank you, I love you." She said shyly.

"I love you too Jeongyeon. " I said to her. 

She got out of the car and went inside their house. 

Before I left I got a text. "Josuke can you come over? I'm lonely and scared. :<<<"  Sana texted. 

I paused for a bit thinking if there's anything I have to do before going to her house. 

Nope, I don't have anything to do. 

I put the gas to the metal and quickly drift off to Sana's house. 

There was a light traffic on the way to her house, which kinda annoyed me. 

I soon reached her house. Before I even knocked on the door, Sana opened it, and jumped onto me. 

"Woah Woah easy there Sana!" I said to her. 

She quickly pulled me inside, and showered me with kisses then kissing me on my lips. 

"Oh how I missed you Josuke." she said. 

"I missed you too even though we met yesterday." I said to her. 

She quickly pulled me to the couch, and quickly removed her blouse, revealing her bra. 

"W-wait Sana, right now?" I asked her. 

"Yes, I want you now Josuke!!!" She insisted. 

"Don't you wanna do it with me? Am I ugly for you?" She said, pouting. 

"No I just asked you if you're sure about this. I'm just making sure." I said to her. 

After saying those words she quickly planted her lips unto mine, then unclipped her bra. 

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