Confessions, Rejections And Denials!!!!

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[Josuke's POV:] 

The first week passed, I met each one of them. Not bad actually, they're beautiful in their own ways. I'm kinda liking them tho, since they're all beautiful in each of their own ways.

Well I'm home alone today since Mina went out with them. So yeah I'm left alone here. You're prolly think how can I protect them if I'm here.

Don't worry I sent my other Ex-gang members to watch them. So yeah I don't need to worry about them that much. 

So I can just rest here, take the time of my life. 


It's Wednesday, I'm eating with Chae, Jeong, Mina and Sana. They all eat cutely, well chae eats loudly like a man, which kinda makes me laugh sometimes. 

"Hey Josuke!" Chae called me, while I was eating.

"Hm?" I asked. 

"Can we talk later??" She asked, shyly.

"Sure." I said to her smiling. 

We all continued to eat our lunch. I finished mine, and just waited for Chae to finish hers. 

Shortly after Chae finished her, we waved goodbye to them. Chae brought me to the resting area.

"What is it chae? Is someone bothering you?" I asked her worriedly. 

"Oh uhm...... it's not that." She said shyly.

"Then what is it??" I asked her. 

She looked down shy, I held her chin up. We looked each other eye to eye.

"What is it?" I asked her, gently and calmly.

"I-I-I Iike you Josuke." She said, embarrassed.

"Oh, that's okay." I said to her.

"Chae, you know who I am. You heard what I said to Nayeon back them right? I can't like anyone else, I'll put all your lives in danger." I said to her, sad.

She pouted, almost tearing up. 

I hugged her. "I'm sorry." I said to her. 

She broke the hug and went back to the others. 

I sat down on, "Fuck this is so painful." I said to myself. 

Tearing up from rejecting Nayeon and now Chae. "Fuck I hate my life." I said to myself. 

I went back inside the building and head to my next class. 


Time passes by when you're always asleep in most of the class. 

Today is Tuesday, I'm eating lunch alone, since the girls said they want to have their own time, I agreed. 

It's kinda boring to be honest, I'm used to their noise when eating. Well I'm used to being alone tho. 

Until someone placed there food on my table. I look to see who is it.

It's Jeongyeon. 

"Oh hi Jeong you startled me there." I said to her. 

"Can I sit down?" She asked, politely.

"Sure go ahead, the seat isn't taken anyways." I said to her. 

She sat down across me. 

"I thought y'all going to eat together?" I asked her. 

"Oh yeah, it's just they kept teasing me. I got tired of it." She said, annoyed. 

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