Chapter 6: Little Bunny

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Hello Everyone, how is it going? I wanted to say thank you for all the support and love that you guys have given me.

I hope that you continue to enjoy and express your love through your votes and comments.

Now back to the story!


It had been about over a month since the conversation with my father had happened.

Students spread the bundles throughout the courtyard, all huddles around, waiting to go to Hogsmeade Village.

Walking out the doors, I noticed that a lot of students were just as nervous and excited as me in seeing the village.

In front of me was a woman with grey salt and pepper hair that had a dark grey pointy hat and a long green robe that draped all the way to the floor, barely touching it.

"Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again," she said brightly to the other students in the courtyard.

Her blue eyes gazed upon me, and her hand extending out.

"Hurry up, Ms. Remus, we do not have all day," Professor McGonagall said. Her green robe extending out, and her gentle wrinkle hand came forth.

Handing my slip to Professor McGonagall, she smiled sweetly.

"You seem very excited to go to Hogsmeade, Ms. Remus," she said. Her eyebrow raised, making sure everything was in order.

I turn to her, surprised. Were my emotions that obvious?

"That you are right, Professor. I heard lots of great stories from my father. I mean Professor Lupin, he told me when he was in his third year it was the most brilliant thing he had ever seen." My smile grew wide from the stories, and I could imagine all the sweets he talked about. "He said that the Honeydukes' sweets are the best in the world, and their Pepper Imps are so strong you smoke at the ears."

She patted my back in encouragement. "Yes, just stay away from that joke shop if your anything like your fathers..." she stopped her sentence.

Wait, she knew about my Dad.

"Professor McGonagall, you know," before I could continue, I was interrupted by Harry and his huffing and puffing.

Her neck swiftly went to Harry. I knew that I was not going to get any more information about this uncovered knowledge.

It seemed like everyone was trying to keep secrets from me.

Why was there a need to walk around eggshells around me? I was not a child that needed to be watched and sheltered from all calamities.

It was troubling what I had mere days ago. My once loving dad, who I had thought cared for me dearly, had once planned and failed. Yet he was coming again.

I, of course, was not planning on letting him get me so easily.

Upon transfiguration class, I stumbled upon something interesting in one of the books I found. It was a seventh years book, but something caught my eye.

"How to become an Animagus." at first, I read it off as some sort of prank, but as I kept on reading and researching, it caught my eye.

However, something within me became captivated; it was as if I knew this was the right answer. An Animagus could shapeshift into any animal; however, it was complicated and most tricky.

The Girl With The Blue Eyes (Luna Lovegood x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now