Chapter 9: Electric Storm

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Thank you so much for the long wait! I am so happy to have seen everyone like my stories so much.

I really created these for fun and thought no one would really care about them. 

I am so glad over 1K of people actually read my story and enjoy it. 

Anyways don't forget to vote, comment, and even share it with others.

Alright, back to the story


I stood in the center of the quidditch field. The wind hitting against my skin as water droplets strike against my skin.

My gloves dripped with rainwater, and I clutched my beater's bat tightly, afraid it might slip.

I clasped my legs tightly on my broom, shifting back and forth, hitting the ball.

Harry, however, seemed to be standing still on the field. It was almost as if he was frozen.

The rain hit everyone just the same, but for a brief second, it looked as if the rain was slowing around him,m matching up with his mentality.

I watched everyone cheer and yell from the meshing of colors of the Gryffindor house to that of the Hufflepuff house.

A small pit in my stomach formed, wondering i the lightning was going to strike on the field. I had asked and waited for it, but what if someone were to get hurt because of me.

Not only was that weighing in my mind, but the idea of having to serve detention afterward.

And with all people, it had to be Snape.

Suddenly the Bludger ball, in its chaotic energy, came hurtling towards Harry as a Hufflepuff player aimed it towards him.

I quickly rush towards Harry waking the ball with all my might just in time with my broom.

Harry's eyes widen, surprised by this action, and came too from his trance.

My eyebrows furrowed, and I turned angrily, "Pay attention, Harry, you could have gotten your brains bashed in."

His eyes slowly flinched, and he looked apologetic. "Sorry." Harry had the look of an injured puppy.

Bloody Hell, Harry stops acting like an adorable puppy.

"Nevermind that finds the snitch seeker. You do your job," I smiled, looking at the field, "And I do mine."

He nodded with determination. He grabbed his fist, clenching it, waving whatever unwavering emotion he had on his mind.

Then in a sudden instant, a yellow buzz with wings came speeding by our faces. Then going towards the sky.

We both looked at each other smiling, "Go get 'em, Harry."

Harry nods and zooms off with his broom, chasing after the Snitch.

Now that he was giving it his all, I guess it was only natural for me to give it my all.

I looked over to see the other Bludger with a semi cocky smile. I wasn't sure if it was out of confidence or constipation.

They looked like they really needed to use the restroom.

Then a sudden loud boom came. I looked up into the sky and saw white sparks into the sky.

Again this time, lightning strikes hitting the ground; not only that, but Angelia Johnson's broom got in the way as well.

The Girl With The Blue Eyes (Luna Lovegood x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now