Chapter Three

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This whole chapter is in Blaines POV and it's how each month of Blaines kidnapping has been.(remember it's been six months and he's also kidnapped along with someone else so leave in the comments who you think they are)

TW:swearing,blood,violence,and sexual harassment/assault(I'm not sure which one it would be so I'm putting both just in case)

Blaine POV
Month One
I've been trapped in this basement type room for a couple of weeks so far. It's cold,dark,and wet all I want is my Kurtie. God Kurt I miss you so much lovey please be okay. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by nails digging into shoulder. I try pulling away but I'm pushed back into the gray concrete wall.

I hear a crack and I hiss in pain a foot suddenly collided with my ribs and I fall over in even more pain. I start sobbing into my hand that currently wasn't bleeding. Kurt if you can somehow hear my thoughts please please baby find me I miss you and I love you Kurtie fearlessly and forever.

Month Two
"If you don't tell me where Kurt is he'll get it ten times worse when I find him!" They yell at me face red from the frustration of me refusing to tell them where Kurt is I'd never forgive myself if something happens to him.

"I'll never tell you where he is! I'll do everything in my power to keep him safe." Tears start rolling down my face as does blood that's when I realize they've cut my check.

Month Five

The past two months have been filled with them coming down to the basement punching,kicking,and sometimes even trying to kiss me but I always push them away which angers them which would result in me getting less food then I already get and a couple of bear bottles thrown at me.

One day they come down the stairs and throw a really familiar person down the stairs and into the wall. Once they leave I look over and gasp. Covered in blood and bruises was them.

Month Six
Today marks six months of me being trapped here along with Q,I wasn't aloud to call them by there real name anymore only an initial, who has been here for almost a year. I say there name but quickly correct myself "I-I mean Q do you think Kurt is looking for us?" I ask feeling the sudden need to throw up.

"You most definitely me most definitely not" they say with a sigh while looking out the old dusty window. As I'm about to respond I'm cut off before I even get a word out. In comes them in a horrible mood. They throw themselves at me and start violently kissing my neck. I try pushing them off but it doesn't work instead it angers them even more.

It takes Q to get them off of me but not before punching us both square in the face. I fall into As arms as they start comforting me. "I want Kurt" I sob out in a hushed voice so they don't hear me.

"I know you do Blaine. Shh it's gonna be okay someone will come and find us." They try and reassure me while rubbing my back. I just sob even more.

All of a sudden where pulled apart and tied up to polls with one hand and are other hands tied to each other. They then shove a phone in my face and show me a message they sent to Kurt.

After a couple of minutes they let me call Kurt but I was under the orders to break his heart. I did but towards the end I tried quickly telling him I love him but the phone was pulled out of my hand. I braced for impact expecting a punch but it never came. Instead they stomped out of the room in a huff of anger.

I fell against the poll and put my hand over Qs in a comforting way. We talked about how we both missed Kurts voice and how we both rather be getting yelled at by Kurt more then anything. After a beat of silence Q speaks up "I'm sorry I wasn't make at the proposal"

I'm about to respond but I'm cut off as I start coughing up blood then it all goes black the last thing I remember is Q calling my name frantically.

Okay let me know what you think I know this isn't the greatest chapter. Tell me your guesses on who you think is in the room with Blaine and who took him?

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