Chapter Eleven

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Kurt gets heated in the chapter lol
TW:Swearing,mention of kidnapping,mention of rape and major violence.
Kurt POV

We finally arrived at Sam's apartment and I raced to the door. I hear Mercedes yelling behind me to slow down but we don't have time. I look at my phone 69 hours left.  Mercedes cachtes up to me just as I enter the elevator next thing I know I'm in front of Sam's door banging on it.

"Kurt relax he's probably asleep." Mercedes gently tells me.

"I don't give a fuck both my fiancé and brother are missing!" She sighs and after what feels like hours but I know was only a couple of minutes Same opens the door. "I don't have time to explain but Blaines missing and Finns still alive!"

"What?" Sam cautiously asks looking to Mercedes for some clarity.


"Kurt wait no come back!" I hear them yell after me but I ignore them as I race down the stairs and out the door tears falling from my face.

"Well well well we meet again Kurt." I freeze at the sound of his voice.

"Adam" I snarl at him

"Now Kurt that's no way to hello to me. Also how nice of  you to tell your brother about our sex life."

"We had no sex life you forced yourself onto me you raped me!" Suddenly there's hands around my throat I desperately try to gasp for air but it never comes.

Then I see a knife it's then logged into my shoulder as it all goes black.
Blaines POV
Another day of being trapped as Sebastian suddenly burst through the basement door and forces himself onto me. He starts kissing up and down my neck as well as applying pressure to me down there. I try pushing him off but it's no use.

"Sebastian he's here so you may wanna stop." I hear Adam tell him.

"Well it's your lucky day Blaine." I give him a look of confusion just then I see Adam push a figure in the room. They quickly leave the room as I look over at them just then I realize it's

"Kurt!" I cry out he makes no move

I try to get up but I'm held back from the rope I'm tied to. Just then I see some movement from Kurts body. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around not yet realizing I'm there. His eyes finally land on me he burst into to tears as he gets up and collapses into my arms.

"Blainey?" He whispers

"It's me honey I'm right here." He barriers his head into my chest and starts to cry out apologizes. "Hey I know your sorry but could you please untie me?" I ask him shyly smiling he quickly nodes and in a matter of seconds the ropes are all gone and Kurt is back in my arms right where he belongs.

Well there's that I hope you all liked it! Please let me know what you think in the comments. Also constructed criticism is appreciated!

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