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Somnath provision

With what Munshi ji said after leaving his son and daughter n law to our family was shocking. I mean he went to wedding but ended up getting marrying someone whom he saved from the society. He was about to propose saudamini boudi today but.... We all knew that Dada had a bad temper but he would marry someone whom he doesn't know to save her from society was totally shocking. Thought personally I felt what he did was right but who would say anything I front two wild lions in front him. I felt its better to keep quit rather to say anything. My dada was always like this from the beginning. He would always differentiate between right and Wrong. Though sometimes in his anger he does something which is wrong in the eyes of the people around him excluding me. We have always heard our elder saying I am proud of you to their kids or colleagues but as I am 3 years younger than him, I want say him I am proud of you Dada because whatever he does, the outcome of it is extremely good. Remembering about my dada I remember my best friend. She is also like him, trying to bring change in society regardless the rejection and taunts she faces from this society. Don't know how but I fell in love with her. I was thinking to propose her, when I heard a screeching voice outside.Now about the marriage with the stranger I am excited to meet my boudi but scared too due to anger of my father and kaka. Batuk was biting his nails and tapping his foot on the ground. I chuckled at his behaviour. But I was worried about saudamini boudi, what will he say to her?Lets see what happens ahead!

Provision ends.

Bondita was shocked to see somnath in front of her. No doubt why she felt the surname familiar. Now he will ask the questions to her and she has answer him anyhow otherwise she will be facing the consequences later on.

Bondita exclaimed - som!

Somnath- Bondita?

Kaka directed bihari to take her to the room while an unconvinced bondita went with him. He and Binoy went to anirudhs room.

Somnath stood there tears filled in his eyes.

Batuk who was watching his brother closely asked - somu dada!?

Som didn't reply rather ran to his room closed it and cried his heart

He went towards the drawer. He took out two pictures. In one there was only a girl and in other one boy and one girl. It was of Bondita and other was none other than his and bondita.

Somnath provision

What I saw outside was totally unexpected! Bondita was married to my brother! I mean why did it happen with me only in this world? Why!? I loved her, I was about to confess my feelings to her but this so called destiny played a game in ou lives! From childhood to my teenage I got everything which I never wanted. In my whole life I just wanted one thing, love which I could feel from her. No I am not saying that my family doesn't love me but the care love affection which I didn't get from anyone in my family, I got it from her. I don't care if she loves me or not, I am happy that I was her best friend. I had gathered a lot of courage to confess his feelings to her the very next day but see my fate. I was laughing at my fate. Only one question - why?

Provision ended.

Authors provision.
He kept the photographs in the drawer, went to the wash room, washed his face, and looked into the mirror. He can't go in front of her like this - Som thought.
He stayed in his room for few mins, then checked himself up in the mirror and his face was quite okay. He knew that though he lost his love today but as a her best friend he had to stay by her side. He promised himself that he will never come in between there life. He will protect her from all the people who will try to harm his best friend. Now she was not only his best friend but his baudi too. A sister-brother relation. He felt awkward by the thought of this word but he shrugged it off thinking that his best friend needed him now and he will try his level best to control the situation. With this he went out of his room. He saw Bihari walking through the walkway. He stopped him.

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