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[ oikawa-senpai ]


"SO, I'LL LEAVE YOU TO IT." Tona hastily told you, with her freshly packed bag in her hand. "I assume you know what you're supposed to do." she smiled.

You nodded, "Been at it for a year, I think I'm okay." you snarkily replied with a cheeky smile.

Tona's hand squeezed your left cheek lightly, pulling at the skin in a teasing way. After she bid goodbye, she left the library for you to watch over.

You were about to leave the desk to go check some books out when Tona came back in, seemingly frantic. She fast-walked up to you, keys jingling in her right hand.

You halted and gave the woman a confused expression.

"Forgot to give you the keys, buttercup, silly me." she laughed heartily before leaving.

Securing the keys in your bag, you went off to check some books and maybe dust them if needed. Hopefully, not.

You brought your organized, prized, beloved clipboard. Yes, you loved this clipboard very much. This clipboard is the reason you get all your things done and never miss a schedule. Call yourself miss goody-two-shoes if you must.

It satisfied your thirst seeing all the books lined up so perfectly. Your eyes dilated when you saw one book sticking out and ruining the perfection.

You quickly walked to the mangy misplaced book and fixed it to your own liking.

You walked in and out of aisles, making sure the books are all in their corresponding shelves, and making sure they're in an array.

You ran your fingers on the books as you walked pass, loving the feeling of the different textures of the covers. The smell was heavenly also and you can't even get started on how the ambiance felt like.

The smile on your face seemed brighter than usual.

As you got closer to the end of the shelf, feeling sad that the feeling was about to finish, you began hearing noises.

And the more you listened to it, carefully and surely, the more you realized the noises weren't so holy.

The aisle came to a stop and the noises were so loud you wanted to bang your head against the wall. A breathy womanly moan resounded and it made your ears twitch.

Are people really getting nasty in the fucking library?! the LIBRARY?

You walked out the aisle and rounded the left shelf, bracing yourself for what you were about to see. You were surprised because you never thought someone even had the thought to come to the library for purposes you would rather not mention.

In front of you were two people, a male and a female, one with long straight auburn hair and the other with familiar chocolate hair.

The girl was not even trying to keep down her moans, she was getting right at it. The boy, however, had her lips latched to the girl's small neck as if he were a vampire sucking the blood out of his prey. It's disturbing. And gross.

Agitated, you crossed your arms and loudly cleared your throat, keeping a straight face.

The both of them stopped what they were doing. The red head hastily fixed her rumpled clothes, trying to gain composure with a flushed face. She glared at you because you interrupted their little......session.

The boy wiped his lips with a smirk before pocketing his hands. You realized that the guy standing in front of you right now, was the same guy that bumped into you yesterday. Oikawa, you guessed.

"Pardon my interference, but this is a library not a hotel. So if you may take your affairs to a different location, that would be much appreciated." you smiled politely, gripping your clipboard as you drop your hands behind you back.

The red head shot you the stink eye. However, the chocolate head's smirk never left his face. Not even the least bit ashamed of his act.

"Just leave us alone, girly, so we can go back to what we were doing." the red head said through gritted teeth, circling her arms around oikawa's left arm.

"I have no problem with you sucking each other's faces off as long as you do it elsewhere." you made eye contact with oikawa to see his brown eyes glinting with enjoyment. 

"Oh shut up! We're not causing any trouble. Why should we listen to you anyway?!" the red head rolled her eyes, "We're just making out! Right, oikawa-senpai?" she turned her head to look up at the boy in question.

"For your information, I'm the library assistant meaning I'm in charge of this library." you calmly told her, "And what does oikawa-senpai have to say about this, hm?"

You turned to him with raised eyebrows which he responded with a shrug.

He laughed, "Woah, don't need to be so strict." he said, "We'll leave."

Your shoulders sagged in relief, you didn't even know why you bothered arguing with these baffoons in the first place.

"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" you forced a tight-lipped smile on your face.

"Whatever. Come on, oikawa-senpai. I don't even like libraries." she stuck out her tongue at you. Very mature.

"You go first," oikawa spoke, and the girl followed, walking out of the aisle first.

You turned your smile into a frown.

"You should keep your girlfriend at bay." you crossed your arms again, narrowing your eyes at him.

He hummed, "She isn't my girlfriend."

"Fuck buddy?" you raised your eyebrows at him. You weren't judging him but, okay, you were judging him.

He snorted nasally, "No way!" he grinned. "Hey, you're that girl from yesterday, right?"

Your frown deepened while his grin grew larger, "Maybe, why?"

"Nothing." he said, smiling.

Both of you stared at each other for a moment. You were looking at him like he was as dumb as an unreasonable republican and he was looking at you like you were a stand-up comedian. Whichever one is worse.

"Yeah okay. I'm leaving." you told him, turning your back to exit the scene. Standing in a five feet radius from him was suffocating.

"I didn't catch your name!" he yelled. You almost hit him upside the head to remind him that he was in a library but you suppressed yourself.

You ignored what he said, continuing to go through the other aisles you haven't yet checked.

Those damn jerks made me waste my
quality time.

Those damn jerks made me waste myquality time

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