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[ mess up ]



Oikawa asked as he turned to you with concern and resignation in his eyes.

You furrowed your eyebrows at him, "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" you questioned.

"Good." he sighed, "I hate it when they do that."


"I hate it when they always have to be at the place I've been to and they always have to know what I'm doing and who I'm with. I especially hate it when they spread fake rumors." he dragged a hand over his face. He looked tired, and your heart almost broke.

"Being popular must be hard." you said, pursing your lips. You didn't know what to say, you weren't exactly good at giving advice.

"It is." he puts on a strained smile.

"Well, okay mister congeniality, we get it everyone loves you." you tried to lighten up the mood and you were relieved when Oikawa let out a small chuckle.

You stared at each other for the next five minutes, just finding comfort in the presence of the other. You didn't know why but your heart beat started accelerating.

You were startled when Oikawa suddenly walked around the counter to stand next to you.

"Don't punch me, okay y/n?" he said. And you didn't even get to have a second to ponder over his words because he wrapped his arms around over your shoulders in an embrace.

You froze, unable to react. This was so sudden you didn't know what to do. That's when a shiver went up your spine as you felt Oikawa's breath on your exposed neck.

"I can feel you shivering again." He cockily teased you.

"What the hell, Oikawa?" you yelled in irritation, despite the blush on your face.

"Shh, just let me be for now, okay?" he pleaded which made you give in. He sounded like he needed it.

You snaked your arms around his toned waist as you stuffed your face into his chest. He smells like peppermint and men's cologne. You smiled.

His body relaxed into you, taking an inhale on your neck, basking in your scent. His breath was warm on your skin, you had to try not to squirm in his arms.

"You're being weird, Oikawa." you said to him, you tilt your head to the side as your cheek pressed up against his hard chest. "Why are you suddenly hugging me?" your voice was more clearer now that your mouth wasn't muffled by his chest.

He chuckled, you could feel him turning his head so you turned your own, resulting to your faces becoming really close to each other. Your eyes dilated, bewildered but Oikawa remained as calm as ever. He seemed like he didn't mind your close proximity at all.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this." his voice was husky as he looked you dead in the eye.

He tightened his grip around your shoulders, his face inching closer towards you. You were panicking, so you just stared at him wide-eyed. You knew what he was planning to do but you didn't want to back away. Right now, your brain was telling you to pull away while your heart and the butterflies in your tummy told you the opposite.

"Y/n." He spoke, his breath hitting your lips. Unconsciously, you leaned closer to him, the both of your temperatures mixing together. The atmosphere was getting hot, scorching hot.

When you thought your lips were about to meet, Oikawa swerved and instead kissed you on the cheek. It wasn't even a kiss, it was just a quick peck. You blinked up at him while he waited for your reaction.

One of your hands went up to your cheek as you feel it subsequently heat up, the other was still wrapped around his waist. Your heart was beating a mile per second and you felt like you were about to faint. You could hear your heartbeat throb in your ear. You hated it, you weren't supposed to be feeling like this. You are so fucked.

"Oh my God." your eyes darted back to Oikawa, as you pushed yourself away from him abruptly. Your mind was telling you to leave. You didn't want to stay in a room alone with Oikawa anymore. You know you weren't supposed to exaggerate like this, but this is the first time a boy has ever shown physical affection towards you and you were overwhelmed. Or maybe it was because you were disappointed that he didn't continue through with the kiss on the lips.

You grabbed your backpack, the bell ringing a second later. Guess the both of you have been hugging for way too long. You were frantic as you stepped out of the counter, "I'm sorry, I-I need to go."

"Wait, Y/n!" Oikawa yelled after you but you were out the door, you even forgot to lock the library but you couldn't care less you just wanted to get out of there.

Oikawa slumped his shoulders, staring at the door you went out of.

Great job, Oikawa.

Great job, Oikawa

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