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Rouge's POV

        It was weird being alive. Nevertheless, I loved it. For the first time, I had felt tired and I had slept. Of course, the others warned me, saying that now that I was alive I had to be careful. They told me all the things in general that could kill me. I listened carefully, remembering everything. I wasn't about to give up this life anytime soon. Especially since I had just barely acquired it. The one thing they were very adament on was the zombies, which was understandable. They gave me a crash course on firearm use and safety. Then, Jasper gave me her Ruger .243. It felt right in my grasp. We headed out soon after breakfast, me taking one of Jasper's two bags.


Jasper's POV

        I had let my sister have my Ruger .243 and she carried one of the two bags I had acquired. Heh. My sister. My twin! I laughed inwardly at the thought of my, no our, older brother's face if he knew that he had twin little sisters. He already hated my guts. We were getting better but it was a very slow process. He had anger issues like I've never seen before. Not to mention he was stubborn as hell. I was more tolerate and less angry but I had my limits and I was equally as stubborn.

        We headed out, Rouge close to my right side. I felt more like she was little sister than my twin. Vira was on my left, Max walking behind us with Iovera bringing up the rear. We reached the helipad without obstacle, but what waited for us was horrifying. I had always been afraid of zombies. Why did there have to be so many?! And of course they noticed us. The wind was blowing our scents their way.

( Time skip)

        We were fighting hard, especially Rouge. The undead had managed to seperate all of us somehow. Then I heard a blood chilling scream. I turned to see the vile creatures pulling Max apart. They pulled his arms and legs from his torso than began feasting. I felt everything slow down and my blood was boiling. The undead were suddenly all too easy to kill. The ones that had pulled Max apart got a little taste of overkill. Yeah, I had inherited the same temper as my brother, and ususally I could control it well unlike him. Except when someone I cared about was harmed. That's when I really earned my nickname of Linda Blair.

        I cleared the undead from Max. He was somehow still alive, yet barely. I raised my Savage, pointing it at his head. "I-I'm s-s-sorry," my voice was hitching and tears flowed down my cheeks. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Vira. "Let me do it," her voice was soft. I nodded, lowering my rifle, "J-just give me a s-sec." She nodded. I walked over to Max, leaned down, and kissed his forehead. "L-let m-me," his voice was raspy as he leaned up as far as he could, placing his lips on mine for a brief moment before laying back down, "I l-love y-you." "I love you too," I barely managed to whisper.

        He closed his eyes, his expression one of peace. I stood up, walking behind Vira. The pistol went off, Max's body jerked. I went over again and picked him up, taking him to the middle of the Helipad. I heard Rouge and Vira gag quietly but they didn't say anything. I didn't care. Setting him down, I looked up at Iovera who was chomping down on corpses. She stopped and walked over. I backed up a bit. She softly blew flames on his corpse and we watched the flames as Iovera went back to her meal.


Vira's POV

        I felt bad for Jasper. I lightly grasped her shoulder, turning her around and hugging her. She hugged back tightly, sobbing quietly. Rouge came up behind her, putting both hands on her shoulders, resting her head on her shoulder as well. For someone who hasn't been alive for even twenty-four hours, she was catching on quick to being human, and she was good at it. Jasper pulled away after a few minutes, giving us a small smile. We turned to Iovera who was laying down, finally done with her meal, her head between her feet like a dog, watching us. She was even giving us puppy eyes.

        She lifted her right foot a little and Jasper stepped up onto it, using it to mount the dragon. Rouge followed and I got on last. I hated feeling crowded. Iovera than stood up, spreading her wings, and took off. Jasper clutched to her for dear life. She was afraid of heights. Rouge gripped Jasper, clearly unsure of what exactly was happening and what to do. I held on but enjoyed the cool air rushing past me and the gentle rise and fall of Iovera's wings.


Jasper's POV

        I hated heights. Hate, hate, hate. But I'd take heights over zombies any day and today was as good as any. I could feel Rouge's arms clutched tightly around my torso. The cool air was a pro though. It cleared my mind, kept me relatively calm, and helped ease my sorrow, making it easier to accept and deal with. After awhile we landed, and dismounted. Vira's set down her bags, having grabbed Max's. Rouge and I folloed suit. We were in a mountain cave. I could tell we weren't too high up because it was still somewhat warm. I looked out to see vast land with plenty of trees, brush, and open land. It was so beautiful.

        I walked back into the cave, settling down with the others around the fire. Damn, Vira worked quick. As I sat watching the flames I could feel my eyelids grow heavy. I was leaned up against Iovera, well, we all were. She was really warm and the fire only made it better. I was the only one still awake. I watched the flames, soon drifting off.

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