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     Their smiles faded. They had all been so happy petting Iovera but the growl had brought them back to reality. They watched Iovera lift her head, looking past them, her muscles tensing as she spread her wings out in a threatening gesture. A deep growl resonated from her chest. They turned to see the hoard, seemingly larger than before. But this time it was different by what was leading the hoard, charging them at almost lightning speed.

     The dogs were charging them, faster than when they had been alive. Some of their fur was missing, the muscles showing underneath. Their security vests were torn and covered with dried blood. Jasper, Vira, and Max each raised their weapons and began firing. Then Jasper heard a click as she ran out of ammo. She felt herself knocked back as one of the dogs pounced on her. Her Savage was caught between the jaws of the dog as it lunged for her neck. The others were too busy to help her, Vira shooting at three dogs charging her, Max shooting at another two charging him, and Iovera burning the oncoming hoard.

     Her magic! She could get rid of this mongrel with her magic. Jasper focused on summoning her power but it wouldn't come. Why wasn't it working?! What was she doing wrong?! She snapped her Savage up, making the butt of the gun hit the side of the dog's head, sending it across the floor. She jumped up just as the dog charged her again. She reached for the cane, hitting it across the floor again. She quickly unscrewed the top, drawing the sword. She swung as it charged her again, watching in horror as it missed the dog's body entirely, only managing to chop of its tail as it sank its teeth into her leg.

     She yelled out in pain, quickly bringing the sword back from her swing and bringing it down on the dogs head, slicing all the way through. The dog went limp, its head sliding down the sword to the floor. Jasper removed the sword, gripping her leg in pain. She turned to see Vira under two dogs and Max under another, battling for their lives. She watched as Iovera's flame halted, the dragon collapsing from exhaustion, the hoard of undead still progressing.

     Jasper jumped forward, her sword becoming ablaze with blue flame. She swung slicing through the necks of the two dogs atop Vira like butter. Back swinging, she took off the head of the dog atop Max. Then she turned to the hoard as Vira and Max got up. Magic or not, Jasper knew she couldn't take on the undead herself. The three of them surviving was looking very slim without Iovera. But they would go down fighting.

     Vira summoned another fire panther as Jasper swung her sword, the undead falling at her feet. Vira began shooting, Max having already started shooting. It wasn't enough. The undead just kept coming, some even advancing while on fire. Next thing she knew, Jasper was flying backwards. She landed roughly and her vision began to fade. She realized Iovera's unconscious form had been pushed back as well and saw Vira and Max land next to her. Neither one of them got up. Jasper saw a glimpse of white, then unconsciousness consumed her.


     Max knew they weren't going to make it out of this fight. He knew his ammo was low and he wasn't going to have time to reload. But that didn't stop him from shooting. He saw the creatures progress, some of them on fire. Why weren't they burning to ashes like before when Vira had created the fire creatures?! Not only that but Jasper's sword was engulfed in magical fire, for crying out loud!

     He felt as if he had been punched and found himself flying backward, landing flat on his back, the force of the landing making him gasp for air. Unconsciousness threatened to overcome him but he forced himself to stay conscious. He looked to see Vira and Jasper on the floor next to him. Vira was out cold while Jasper's half-lidded eyes suggested she was fighting to stay conscious as well. He saw Iovera's unconscious body lying behind them, obviously pushed back by the same force that had thrown Vira, Jasper, and himself back.

     He looked back at Jasper to see her eyes close. He tried to move but his body wouldn't respond. He looked towards the oncoming creatures of death. But they weren't coming anymore. They all dropped as a figure flew over them. It was her! It was that girl he had seen in the beginning. She landed, her blood-stained, white gown flowing around her ankles. She walked towards him, leaning over and whispering.

     "Sleep. You are safe now," was all Max heard before darkness engulfed him.

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