I'm not Gay!

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3rd person's pov
"What the fuck is this?" Craig asks confused when he sees a picture of him and Tweek pinned to his locker door.

"Yaoi." Someone replies, making Craig turn around confused.

There stood a Chinese girl with a a stack of paper and her pencil case on top.

"What?" He asks.

"Yaoi. It's an art style we draw and we make you and Tweek gay. We thought it would be adorable." The girls explains smiling.

"Who's we?" Craig asks.

"Me, the other Chinese, the Japanese and the Koreans." She replies.

"Oh, how wonderful." Craig says sarcastically.

The girl walks away, so Craig rips the picture of his locker door and screws it up into a ball, tossing it behind him.

"Ack! What's this?" Tweek asks as the paper lands in front of him.

He picks it up with his shaky hand, like his whole body, and uncrumples it. He looks at it and smiles looking over at Craig, who had his back turned.

"I like this." Tweek mutters and folds the paper up, putting it in his pocket and walking off.

In class, Twek was smiling the whole lesson. He couldnt stop thinking about him and Craig. Yeah, they were only 9 and 10, but it seemed so cool. Like, they'd date? That's amazing to think about!

"Tweek, are you listening?" Mr. Garrison asks scaring the poor boy.

"Ack!" Tweek yells.

"Pay attention." Mr. Garrison says sternly and Tweek nods, his body shaking like a little leaf.

After class was lunch time! All the kids were walking to the cafeteria, talking to one another. Tweek wasn't though. He was walking alone as always.

"Tweek!" A girly voice calls, making Tweek turn around to see who called him.

It was Wendy. She came running up to him. She stopped in front f him and looked him in the eyes, making Tweek shake more.

"W-W-What do you want?" Tweek asks nervously.

"Yaoi. You and Craig are drawn dating. All the girls think its adorable, even some of the boys. We've been talking, we think its adorable. You two NEED to date." Wendy says smiling at the messy blonde.

"Ack! No way! Too much pressure! He yells worriedly and pulling his blonde hair.

"Tweek, calm down, ok? I'm not forcing you, but.... do you like Craig?" Wendy asks calmly to try and calm Tweek down.

"Promise not to tell?" Tweek asks nervously and Wendy nods.

"I do like him. I've been in love with him fir about 2 years now. He's so perfect. Everything about is just..... ugh! So much better then me. I dont think he's even gay." Tweek says sadly.

"Hey, it's ok, Tweek. How about..... just try and hang out with him, ok? Get to know him more. It'll help, I promise." Wendy says smiling and Twek nods, also now smiling.

"That's a great idea! Thank you, Wendy!" Tweek yells happily and running off to the cafeteria, making Wendy giggle at his silliness and excitement.

Tweek went into the cafeteria and got his lunch. He then we t over to the table that had Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, Jimmy, Token, Butters and, of course, Craig.

Tweek casually went over and sat down next in between Token and..... Craig!

'Perfect.' Tweek thought happily.

"Uhhhh..... Tweek, shy are you sitting here?" Stan asks confused. Tweek never sits with them, he always sits alone.

"I wanted to make some friends." He replies shyly and blushing.

"We can be friends." Craig says smiling, making Tweek blush even more and look over at him and smiles.

"Ok." Tweek says nodding and smiling back at the attractive boy next to him.

2 months later

The Asian girl were so happy that Tweek and Craig were besties. They're so close, making everyone think that they'll get together soon. Tweek hopes so. He's even more in love with Craig.

"Craig, can we go to my locker, please? I need to get my Math book out." Tweek says and Craig nods smiling.

The two head to Tweeks locker, talking about this and that.

When they go there, Craig sighs in annoyance. There was another drawing of him and Tweek in Yaoi style. Craig rips the picture off the door.

"Why do they keep doing this?" Craig asks showing Tweek the picture.

"I like it. I think it's cute." Tweek says looking at the picture, with a small smile on his face.

"You like it?" Craig asks confused and Tweek nods, feeling a little embarrassed. Oh no, what if Craig isnt gay?

"Yeah...... I-I-I also like...... I also l-l-like you." Tweek says nervously and blushing. He was so scared about what Craig may say. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if their friendship is ruined?

"Dude..... I'm not gay." Craig says sighing and putting a hand on Tweek's shoulder.

"Oh God! I messed up our friendship! I'm so dumb!" Tweek yells worriedly and pulling at his messy blonde hair.

"Tweek, look at me. Look at me. Ok, just calm down. It's ok. You haven't ruined anything. You're not dumb." Craig says gently and pulling the boy into a reassuring hug, making Tweek relax in his grasp.

They didnt realize that nearly the whole school was watching them. They thought it was adorable even if they weren't together.

"We're still best friends. I promise." Craig says and Tweek nods.

They pull away from the hug and notice everyone watching, smiling widely at them.

"That was so cute." Red says.

"100% adorable." Bebe says.

"We should've taken a picture." Heidi says.

All the girls were talking about it happily, whole the boys just kinda stood there looking at Tweek and Craig.

Eventually, the bell rang and everyone had to go their lessons. Tweek grabbed his Math book from his locker and then headed to class, with Craig by his side.

'At least we're still friends.' Tweek thought happily.

They both have Math, so they enter the classroom and sit down next to each other. Craig always needs help from Tweek, so it's good they sit together.

Tweek likes helping Craig, it makes him feel smart and happy to help.

The two will always be best friends,even if Tweek does have a crush on him. It wont change their friendship.

Word count: 1074

This isnt really Creek, but it has them in it, so I guess it kind of is. Idk lololol. Bye, love you guys!

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