Getting better

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Tweek's pov
5 months. It's been 5 months since I've become anorexic. It's been 2 years of self harm and my parents, nor my friends know. Even my boyfriend doesn't know. We both promised to tell each other everything, but I just can't tell him this.

I've been self harming since I was 12. I'm 14 now. I only became anorexic 5 months ago. I know I'm trying my bod in many different ways, but I just hate my self so much. Craig says I'm beautiful. I dont believe him though. I dont believe any compliments I get anymore. They're all lies.

"Tweek! Tweek, you up here?" I hear Craig calling.

I take a deep breath, before calling out a 'yes.'

At that, he enters my room smiling. He comes over to me and hugs me tightly.

"Tweek, it's only been a week since I last saw you and you're so skinny. What's happened? Is everything ok? Are you ok?" Craig asks worriedly, clearly feeling how skinny I am.

"Yh, no, I'm fine. Dont worry about me." I say pulling away from the hug and looking at him and then down at the floor.

"Tweek, I know you're lying. You're so skinny, baby." Craig says taking both my hands on his.

"I'm not." I say shaking my head, my body shaking too.

3rd person's pov
"Lets sit on your bed and talk. It feels best to talk about things." Craig says leading Tweek over to his bed.

The couple sit on Tweek's bed, Craig caressing Tweek's hair and Tweek has his head on Craig's shoulder.

"Wanna talk?" Craig asks and Tweek just shrugs.

"Its hard. I dont want to talk about what's happening. I'm scared and it makes me upset to just think about it, let alone talk about it." Tweek says tearing up.

"Somethings are hard to talk about, but sometimes it's best to get it off your chest. Besides, I've told you that you can talk to me about anything. I'm always here to listen." Craig says kissing the top of Tweek's head.

"I dont eat." Tweek says emotionless.

"What?" Craig asks confused.

"I don't eat. I have a meal a day and it's only tiny. I feel feel so fat after eating it." Tweek explains a few tears falling from his eyes.

Craig sees this and sits himself up a bit and Tweek lifts his head off his shoulder and looks at him. Craig pulls Tweek into a tight hug, hating to see him cry. Not many things very break Craig's, but Tweek crying breaks it into a million pieces.

"Baby, you need to eat, otherwise you wont grow big and strong. I've got an idea. I can take you back to my house and we'll do this 2 month long het better thingy. You stay at my house and eat all meals and a few snacks for 2 months. If it doesn't work, I'll have to tell your parents." Craig explains to the crying boy.

"O-O-Ok." Tweek says through his cries.

He buries his head in Craig's chest, letting all his bottled up feelings out. Craig just continues to cuddle him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. Craig cant believe the poor boy was suffering. He wishes he would've told him sooner!

They sit there for about 10 minutes, until Tweek had stopped crying.

"Let's go back to mine." Craig says and Tweek nods.

Craig helps him up and they head out of the Tweek's house and go to Craig's. They walk only 2 blocks until they reached Craig's house.

"Ok, lets get some food in my baby." Craig says smiling as the couple take their shoes off.

"Ok." Tweek says sighing.

Craig takes his hand and leads him into the kitchen. Tweek sits at the table and Craig looks through the pantry,trying to find something small for Tweek to eat. He dkesnt want to start off with anything too big, otherwise Tweek might feel pressured.

"Here we go. Just a few crackers to start with, ok?" Craig asks and Tweek nods.

He doesnt touch them though, he just kind of stare at them. This was making Craig even more worried. He comes over and sits next to Tweek.

"Tweek, honey, you need to eat them. Pleaseeee." Craig begs, but Tweek shakes his head, tears forming in his eyes.

"I cant, Craig! I don't wanna get fat!" Tweek yells frustrated and a few tears falling.

"Babe, you're not gonna get fat. I just need you to gain at least 20 pounds by the end of the 2 months. You're so skinny its actually quite scary. I'm scared you may....... die. I dont want you to die. I love you too much." Craig says holding Tweek's hands in his.

Tweek starts to full on cry. He wraps his arms around Craig and just cries into his shoulder. Craig hugs him and gently rubs his back, hoping to soothe the crying boy.

A few minutes later, Tweek had calmed down enough to a meat some crackers. He takes small bites from one of then, making Craig smile, so proud of his lover.

"You're doing so well, love." Craig says smiling and giving Tweek a thumbs up.

Tweek ate 1 and a half of the three crackers.

"I cant eat anymore." Tweek says turning his head away from the crackers.

"You sure?" Craig asks and Tweek nods, actually being truthful.

"Ok, I'll put these in a savoury box. It'll have all the left covers you can't eat. I'll get you some water." Craig says, putting the crackers in the 'Savoury box' and grabbing Tweek a glass of water.

"I texted my parents to let them know that you're staying here for 2 months. I lied saying you needed time away from home." Craig says handing Tweek thd glass of water and sitting back down next to him.

"Ok." Tweek says and takes a few sips from the water, before putting it on the table.

"I love you, babe. Never forget that." Craig says smiling and pulling Tweek into a tight hug.

"I love you too." Tweek says smiling slightly and returning the hug.

"Let's go chill on my bed upstairs. You look tired." Craig says, taking Tweek's hand and leading him upstairs.

They head upstairs and into Craig's room and sit down on his bed.

"I know you're exhausted, so you can get some sleep if you want." Craig says to hid tired boyfriend.

"Ok..... stay?" Tweek asks ABC Craig nods smiling.

The two lay down on his bed and Tweek falls asleep, his head on Craig's chest. Craig plays with Tweek's messy hair, looking down at the skinny boy. He was so worried, even though he's determined for the boy to get better.

2 months later

Tweek has definitely gotten better. He's gained 14 pounds, instead of 20, but it's better then nothing!  Tweek promised he'll keep getting better.

"It was nice having you stay, baby. I'm happy you're getting better. I love you so much." Craig says kissing Tweek's cheek.

"Thank you, Craig. I love you too. Bye." Tweek says leaving Craig's house.

"Bye." Craig says closing the door.

Craig was so proud of Tweek. He's so happy his baby has gotten better. He would've hated if his boyfriend...... you know? Died from anorexia.

Tweek has also stopped cutting! He didn't tell Craig about his self harm, but he's proud of himself for not doing it.

Word count: 1253

Very boring ending. Bye, love you guys!

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