Hallucinations and memories

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I made that collage! I'm proud of myself hahaha! Enjoy the chapter!

Craig's pov
2 weeks. 2 weeks without my Tweek. I've fucked up. It's all my fault he left. It's my fault that he's gone and got a new boyfriend. I'm such a fuck up.

The only thing I don't get is how he could go and date Pete. Like, as in Pete Thelman. He's a heartless goth! Tweek needs love and attention. He won't get that from Pete. He won't get anything from him. He's so cold and heartless.

I sigh sadly and look at my now cold cup of coffee. Tweek used to love coffee. He probably still does, but I wouldn't know. I never talk to him anymore. My friends make sure I'm away from him and his friends make sure he's away from me.

I look up from my coffee and see something. It's Tweek! He's standing in the doorway on his phone with his cup of coffee in his hand. He was giggling to himself and looks up at me. I smile. He is so perfect. I get up and go over to him, only for him to disappear as I was about to hug him. What the fuck? I look around, but saw nothing. Was that a hallucination? Well, that's another thing to make my life even shittier. First I've lost my boyfriend, now I've got hallucinations of him! No thank you.

I sigh sadly and just leave the kitchen and go into the living room. I sit on the couch and turn the TV on.

As soon as I turned the TV on, the show 'family guy' came on. Ugh! Tweek loved this show! I quickly change the channel and just put the news on. Gosh I miss my baby.

Tweek's pov
"Good morning, my love." Pete says, as I enter the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning, babe." I say and he hands me a cup of coffee, which I take gratefully.

We sit at the kitchen table and drink some of my coffee. It was nice and sweet. Nice and sweet like Craig. I miss Craig. He was the only person who understood me.

He would listen to me when I wanted him to. He would comfort me when I was upset or anxious. He would take me out on cute little dates. He would love me more then anything. No one could ever replace Craig. I can't believe I left him!

Tweek's memory
I was sitting on the couch drinking my coffee. It was 8.00am in the morning and Craig was still asleep. I'm always up first, because he never goes to bed until about 2.00am, while I go to bed in between 10.45pm-11.00pm.

I turn the TV on and put 'Family guy' on. I love 'Family guy!'

At 10.47am, Craig comes downstairs, still sleepy. Craig is so cute when he's sleepy.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I say, smiling at him.

"Morning." He says and yawns.

I get up and go into the kitchen and pour him a bowl of cereal and some apple juice.

He trudges into the kitchen and flops down on a chair at the kitchen table. He pulls his phone out and starts scrolling through it.

"Here you go." I say handing Craig his cereal and apple juice.

"Thank you, my love." He says, turning his phone off and putting it down on the table.

"You're welcome." I say, smiling at him.

He starts to eat his cereal and I sit at the kitchen table with him and talk about random things. He listened and even asked me a few questions. He's so sweet! I love him so much. He's literally my everything.

Craig's pov
I was on Twitter and came across Tweek's Twitter page. I sigh as I look at his bio.

Tweek's bio: "16 years old. Very gay. Coffee addict. Dating @pete._.thelman._."

I tear up as I remember that once Tweek had my Twitter @ in his bio. Well that's sadly changed.

He turns his phone off and throws it in the couch next to him and starts crying. He just wants his baby back in his arms. But...... he's not even his baby anymore.

Tweek's pov
"Pete, I'm really stressed abo-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"You're seriously still stressed about that stupid book report?" Pete asks, annoyance laced in his voice.

"Well, yeah. It's due in on Tuesday and it's Sunday. We were only told about it on Friday." I say, sitting down.

"Yeah, we'll how many pages have you done?" Pete asks, not even looking at me.

"I've done three pages and altogether I've done 4073 words." I reply.

"That's more then enough." He says, finally looking at me.

"I know, but this is 70% of my final grade. I wanna do well. I wanna pass." I say, looking down at my lap.

If I was still with Craig, he would comfort me and help me do the best, so I can pass the class with flying colours. Oh well, guess the good times have gone........

Word count: 867

I know they're fictional characters, but let's hope Tweek and Craig never break up. Bye, love you guys!

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