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After that day, her father really did try to take her out of UA. He soon realized that his daughter was right and that there was no way that he could. After that he tried to find his long lost wife, to no avail, he couldn't find her, just like all of those other times he had tried. Nora on the other hand was feeling great, she openly came clean about her past to any of her classmates that wanted to know, it enraged them yes, but it gave them the knowledge of how she became who she is. Even though they knew about her hardships she never let them baby her, she never let them go easy on her. She was strong and she wasn't about to take the easy way out of things. She had told her teachers this as well, Mr.Aizawa complied with her wishes and acted more as a father figure to her. Almight was there for her in the background, always cheering her on silently. It had become normal for her to call them dad from time to time, never in public around anyone else, but in private when they were alone. When Father's Day came around, she decided that she would do something nice for her two father figures. She had gotten Mr.Aizawa a new sleeping bag, since the one he uses seemed pretty old. She didn't really know what to get Almight, he doesn't really talk about himself much, so she wrote him a thank you note instead. After all it's the thought that counts. When class had ended for the day Nora walked over to her teacher and set down her bag. Bakugo waited for her outside, since he always walked her back to the dorms.

"Hey Mr.Aizawa? Do you have a minute?" She asked him as he was gathering up his papers. He looked at her and his eyes grew soft.

"I guess so. What seems to be the problem?" He said to her.

"Happy Father's Day." She said to him. He looked confused at first and then realized.

"Uh thank you." He said to her. She smiled and reached into her bag.

"I got you a little something, hopefully you like it." She said as she struggled to pull it out of her bag. She finally got it out and held the new yellow rolled up sleeping bag. He looked at it and then back at her. She was worried that he didn't like it but offered it to him anyway.

"You shouldn't have." He told her as he looked at it.

"But I did. It's the newest model, it's insulated so it'll keep you really warm, and it's yellow like your old one." She said to him as she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"Thank you." He said to her as he put it under his arm. Even though he didn't show it, he was really happy that she had put in the thought and got him something.

"It's the least I can do, you put up with me after all." She said to him. "Anyway, I've got to get going, have a good day dad." She said out of habit. He smiled and nodded. She walked out and met Bakugo outside in the hallway, she put her arm around his middle and he put his arm over her shoulders. They walked away to the teachers lounge to go and find Almight. "I need to go talk to him and then we can head to the dorms, ok?" She said to her boyfriend. He kissed the top of her head and nodded. She smiled and they continued walking. When they got to the lounge Bakugo let her go and waited against the wall patiently. She walked in and found Almight sitting at his desk. She walked up behind him and put her arms around his neck in a half ass hug. He looked up and chuckled.

"It's a surprising to see you here. What's going on?" He said to her as he put his hand on one of her arms as he looked at her. She smiled at him and let go. He turned around in his chair and waited for her to speak.

"Happy Father's Day." She told him. He looked at her confused as she handed him the card she has bought for him. He took it and opened it. She waited for his reaction as he read it. When he finished he looked up at her, truly happy that she had given him this. "I know that it's not much but I didn't know what to get you since you never talk about yourself." She said to him, feeling slightly bad about it.

You And Me Against The World (Katsuki Bakugo love story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now