Kayleigh Gets Revenge (Dr. Octagonapus Style)

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Kayleigh Galina was sitting in history class, extremely bored.  Mrs. Lona was rambling on about the Civil War.

"The Battle of Gettysburg took place from July 1st to July 3rd in 1863 . . . "

This is SOOOO boring.  She pulled out a book of poems by Edgar Allan Poe and began reading.  She was being mesmerized by a poem about death when a hand slapped down on her desk.  Startled, she looked up, only to see Mrs. Lona's wrinkled, bespectacled face staring back.

"Ms. Galina," she said, still staring, "you know reading is not permitted in this class when I am speaking.  We are discussing the Battle of Gettysburg right now, and it would do you good to listen."

The class snickered.  Kayleigh's face burned red.

Mrs. Lona continued, "I will keep this on my desk for you to retrieve after class."  Glancing at the author, she frowned with distaste.  "You know, all his poems are about death.  Read something cheerful for a change."

"Not all of them are about death!"

"Do not argue with me, Ms. Galina.  You've done enough this week."

It was true.  On Tuesday, she had started a marshmallow food fight in the cafeteria.  On Wednesday, she had painted toxic nail polish on her face. ("IT BURNS!!!")  On Thursday, she had tried to jump off the cargo net twenty feet off the ground in gym class.  Which brought around today, a Friday.

Now she was even more bored.  She longed to be captured in the inspiring words of Edgar Allan Poe.

"Ooh . . . more death, Kayleigh?"

Robby Flenright, with his blonde buzz cut, Nike-themed clothes, and his taunting smirk, was the biggest meanie in the class.  He had an air of evil surrounding him.

Kayleigh clenched her fists and said, "Not all of his poems are about death, Robby."

"Yes, they are.  Name one non-emo poem that Edgar Allan Poe has written."

"The Bells," she replied triumphantly.

"Oh."  Robby was madly searching his brain for an appropriate reply.

Grinning, he whispered, "Well, most of them are about death.  Which means you're emo."

"No, I'm not!"

Kayleigh's personality certainly wasn't emo.  That day, she was wearing an light blue Abercrombie T-shirt, jeans, and her favorite lime green tennis shoes.  Her blondeish-brownish hair, hanging down to her shoulders, was adorned in a rainbow-colored barrette.  All her friends thought her to be a very positive (and daring) person.

As if to prove this, Shayla, sitting next to Robby (which she hated), murmured, "She's not emo, Robby, and you know it."

Robby pretended not to hear her.  "Anyone who reads that kind of stuff is DEFINITELY emo."

"I. AM. NOT. EMO."

"Ms. Galina!"  Mrs. Lona came and rapped her desk with a ruler.  "You've already caused one disturbance today.  I would appreciate it if you didn't cause any more."

Robby snickered.  Kayleigh's blood was boiling.  Robby should've been the one to get in trouble, not her.  It didn't help that she had dated him once.

Yes, they had once been boyfriend and girlfriend.  But he broke her heart - through a text! 

She needed revenge.  She needed it like books need words - she wouldn't be complete without it.  But she hadn't come up with something suitable enough yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2011 ⏰

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