champagne problems

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You woke up in the morning in between Hotch and Spencer. It was oddly comforting. After about 15 minutes of laying there they were both awake. You made casual conversation about last night before Spencer had to leave.

"Hey uh i want to talk to you" You told Hotch

"I do too."

"I love you." You blurted out

"Haley wants to get back together." He said at the same time.

You were not expecting that. His words ignited a certain rage in you. You weren't sure why, you guys weren't a couple and he didn't even say if he wanted to get back with her. But it angered you to a whole new level

"Fine go fuck Haley then." You spat out, getting out of his bed and grabbing your things

"Oh come on Y/n dont do this." He sounded slightly annoyed which only made you more angry

"No Aaron don't tell me what to do. Do you want to get back with her?" You question

"I uh- fuck, honestly im not sure." He hesitated, the motherfucker hesitated

"FUCK YOU AARON." You yelled at him.

"DAMN IT Y/N DONT BE LIKE THIS." He yelled back.

"No Aaron i am going to be like this. I trusted you, i've been fucked over so many times by so many men, including my own father and yet i still trusted you. I thought you were different. You saw all of me. At my best and my worst. I don't let many people see my like that. Fuck you and fuck Haley." At this point you were seething.

"I never said I was going to get back with her, i'm unsure at this point. Y/n I love you too, but Haley is the mother of my son. It's different." Every word that came out of his mouth made you even more angry.

"I need some time to think about this. I'm leaving." You said before storming out.

You got in your car and immediately started crying. You never let yourself cry in front of other, and you especially weren't going to cry in front of Aaron. You turned on Champagne problems by Taylor Swift and started driving back to your apartment. Once you got back you got into a hot shower and cried some more. Fuck this hurt. After you were done with your sobbing on the floor of your shower you texted Emily and told her to come over. You really didn't want to be alone.

Once Emily got here you were still angry and ready to yell. You knew Emily would be the better person to invite over. Penelope and Spencer would both know exactly the right way to calm you down. But you didn't want to be calm. You wanted to be angry, you wanted to hurt Haley the same way she hurt you by trying to steal Aaron. So you invited Emily over to plan. You poured both of you some much needed vodka before sitting on your couch

"So whats up pretty girl." She said

"Aarons ex wife told him she wants to get back together and now i want revenge. On her not him. I knew Pen and Spence would talk me out of it so I invited you. Are you in?" You explain

"Oh hell yea im in. Whats the plan?" She asked

"I know where she lives. It's supposed to rain tonight. Lets go to Target and get a shit ton of instant mashed potatoes and put them in her yard" You giggled like it was the funniest thing you had ever heard

"Lets also slash her tires. But only because you know insurance." She added, sipping her drink

"Perfect lets go to Target."

You decided to drive since you drank less than Emily. You put on Good days by Sza and started driving to Target. It wasn't too far so you got there pretty quickly. You both went in and bought 65 packs of instant mashed potatoes. You decided to use self check out to avoid the weird looks from a cashier. The total was around $70 but it was worth it.

You left Target and started driving to Haleys house. By this time it was around 7pm so it was dark. Once you got there you noticed a familiar car parked out side. It was Hotch's.

"That FUCKER. He's here." You screamed

"Well then we'll slash his tires too I dont give a fuck." This is why you loved Emily.

You got out of your car and went to slash Haleys tires, while Emily went to do Hotch's. You only did three so that cunt couldn't make her insurance pay for it. After you were both done you got the instant mashed potatoes out of your car and started sprinkling them all of her lawn. You thought you noticed someone looking out the window but you ignored it, continuing what you were doing.

"Y/n what the FUCK are you doing." It was Hotch

"Are you blind sir." You threw the word in his face, knowing what it did to him.

"This is wildly immature." He said

"Well thats what you get for fucking a nineteen year old who's barely out of high school Aaron." You stated with a blank face.

"Just another reason you should be with me" You heard Haley say.

That set you off. "Oh fuck you, ugly bitch. Dont you have a child to deal with. You know there's a reason he left you in the first place. Because you're ugly and unlovable. Oh dont be looking so confused he told me all about you. Haley Brooks, the high school sweetheart who still couldn't make her baby daddy stay." You felt kind of proud of yourself for going off on her

"And you were just one of his students he was using for a quick fuck, but because you're so young and stupid you fell in love. How pathetic." She spat back

Emily and Hotch just stood there awkwardly while you and Haley yelled back and forth. Something about her saying Hotch was using you made you even angrier. You calmly walked over to her and punched her right in the face, shocking everyone. Before you got the chance to hit her again Emily pulled you away.

"Come on Y/n we need to get you home." She was trying to keep you from causing more trouble.

Emily was sober now so she sat you in the passenger seat and drove you both back to your apartment. Once you got back you changed into Hotchs shirt and a pair of sweatpants. You gave Emily some comfortable clothes to put on then you both cuddled on the couch. Neither of you decided to talk about what happened, you just sat there in a comfortable silence watching Greys Anatomy.

You dont know when, but you both fell asleep still cuddling on the couch. You had a dream about Emily. It felt wrong to be dreaming about her like that because of Hotch. But you weren't together so it didn't really matter. In this dream everything was good. There was no Hotch, just you and Emily enjoying each others bodies. You woke up right after you came all over dream Emilys face.

Most of the time your forgot your dreams, but this one you definitely remember. Maybe this was just what you needed to forget about Hotch. But also you didn't want to use Emily. You definitely didn't want to start anything new because you knew that you would go back to Hotch if he would take you back.

You stopped think about all that and decided to wake up Emily so she wasn't late to class. Then you remember. You had Hotch's class in half and hour. Fuck.

a/n: bye bc writing this chapter genuinely made me angry .IM SORRY I HAD TO ADD DRAMA.

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