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"okay everybody that'll be all for today, just hand your assignments to me and you're done for the day." mr. bae said with a bright smile, looking around at his students. renjun opened his bag with a yawn, tired after his long day. his eyes widened when he realized his assignment wasn't in his bag and that's when he remembered he forgot to take it from his desk.

renjun closed his bag with a sigh and waited for the rest of the students to leave before approaching his professor. the older heard the chinese boy approaching and looked up with another smile.

"hey renjun, how can i help you?"

"oh um, i left my assignment at home but my boyfriend's home so i could ask him to bring it now?" renjun asked in a questioning tone.

"no problem renjun, i'll be here for another while anyways so you can just leave it on my desk, i'll leave the door unlocked." renjun smiled at his professor with a grateful smile and thanked him, he really hated missing assignments.

the blonde turned around to leave but instead he was met with another taller figure standing behind him. the shorter jumped back, not expecting it.

"oh sorry about that, my bad." renjun recognized the guy as hyunjin, another student from mr. bae's class.

renjun just smiled at the taller before walking around him to go call his boyfriend. he was met by his two friends outside who looked at him with raised eyebrows. renjun leaned against the wall in the hallway and took out his phone, dialling jaemin's number.

"who was that?" chenle asked the older, gesturing to boy inside the classroom.

"just a guy who's in that class, now be quiet." renjun whispered as jaemin answered.

after renjun asked jaemin to bring his assignment, the three boys stayed outside renjun's classroom just talking about their  day as they waited for the older's boyfriend to arrive. after a couple of minutes, the tall blonde boy walked out of renjun's classroom and he didn't fail to notice the friends.

"hey, renjun right?" the three stopped talking once they heard the voice next to them and they all turned their attention to him.

"um yeah that's me, do you need something?" renjun asked in a confused but polite voice. the older smiled and bowed towards his friends.

"ah i didn't introduce myself, i'm hwang hyunjin. i was just curious because i heard you say you have a boyfriend back in class." hyunjin barely look at renjun's friends, his eyes only focused on renjun himself. renjun nodded, feeling awkward. he noticed the way his friends tensed at the stranger's question.

"oh i'm sorry, that probably sounds weird. i'm not homophobic or anything, i actually like guys and that's why i'm here. i've liked you since the first day we started here, would you be interested in going on a date some day? maybe this week or if that doesn't suit you then next week is perfect too." hyunjin's politeness never disappeared but the boys felt themselves stiffen as they glanced at each other with wary eyes.

"i'm sorry, did you not understand the part where he's taken?" donghyuck spoke as stepped in front of renjun slightly to block him from hyunjin's reach and view. hyunjin's smile grew more and he giggled, leaning against the wall.

"oh i know, but what does his boyfriend have that i don't?" hyunjin tilted his head slightly like a puppy, waiting for an answer.

"renjun." donghyuck snorted at chenle's comment that only renjun and donghyuck had heard, making hyunjin raise an eyebrow. the three boys felt confused as they watched hyunjin's smile suddenly drop for a second before returning as he stood up straight, no longer supporting himself against the wall. they all turned to see what made him react like that when they saw jaemin jogging towards them. renjun let out a sigh of relief upon seeing his boyfriend.

"hi junie, here's your assignment." jaemin handed renjun's papers to him with a smile and a kiss on the forehead. he noticed the fifth person standing with them and looked up to make eye contact with him. hyunjin grinned and held out a hand.

"hwang hyunjin, i was just getting to know my classmate here." hyunjin said as he gestured towards renjun. "are you his friend?"

jaemin wanted to scoff but smiled instead, wrapping his arm around renjun's waist. to jaemin, hyunjin looked like every popular fuckboy he had seen in high school, and while jaemin doesn't like to judge a book by it's cover, something about this boy gave him bad vibes.

"na jaemin, i'm his boyfriend." hyunjin nodded and leaned against the wall again as he looked jaemin up and down. jaemin ignored the boy and turned to renjun, his contagious smile appearing on his face. "let's go hand it in."

renjun nodded and said bye to hyunjin before going back into his classroom with his boyfriend to drop his papers off while chenle and donghyuck waited outside. donghyuck watched the pair disappear around the corner before stepping closer to hyunjin.

"look i don't know who you are and i really don't care, just stay away from renjun and trust me, be grateful i'm telling you this." hyunjin listened to the shorter's words, feeling amused by what he was hearing.

"thanks for the advice but i'll pass, what's that boyfriend going to do? yell at me?" hyunjin laughed at his own words, not noticing the way chenle and donghyuck grinned at each other.

"don't underestimate jeno." chenle snorted, shaking his head. hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the chinese boy.

"he said his name was jaemin." before the pair could respond, the two boys returned from the classroom. chenle giggled before turning his attention back to hyunjin.

"that's our cue to go, bye." hyunjin only watched them leave, confused by their words. he realized he never got an answer from the boy he liked and kicked the wall out of anger, letting his nice boy facade fall.

a/n: i promise i love hyunjin with all my heart, he just fits this character well

playlist for this chapter:

jasmine - dpr live

imagine - cix

fall again - loona

100 ways - jackson wang

verbatim - mother mother

love is (not) easy - chase atlantic

heaven - taemin

deja vu - nu'est

eternally - txt

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