✨𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕩✨

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• The Painful Truth •

The chief librarian brought Athena to the section she was looking for

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The chief librarian brought Athena to the section she was looking for. There weren't many artifacts or records of the Jedi Angel, almost like there was a goal to cover up her existence, but Athena was able to find a journal written by none other then her mother. It was like a diary, a leather bound book with old yellow and brown pages filled with inked cursive that was almost illegible. Several pages from the book where missing. This was an unsettling find but it would have to do for now. She brought the journal and a few other artifacts to a near by desk and began to read.

"Today I was expelled from the Jedi Order. They discovered that a Jedi and I were engaged. I am being sent to Agamar to await further instructions from the council. Thankfully, they don't know about Athena yet and I hope they never do. Not even her father knows of her. Once I get to Agamar I hope to keep her completely hidden from the Jedi. She shouldn't have to live this life of the Jedi Angel, it's a miserable one. I will destroy the sword once I get the chance so that no more young women will have to follow the Angel's curse. I am doing this for her, for my girl so that one day she can have the life she always deserved, free of this pain."

The words, "Free of this pain" stood out to her. There were things the Jedi council wasn't telling her. First of all, they didn't tell her that her mother had been expelled from the order. Now she wanted to know more about her expulsion. And she wanted to know more about this Jedi her mother was engaged to, her father. Unfortunately every detail pertaining her mother's relationship with this man had been erased from the journal. Why were they trying to hide that from her so much? She had to know more. She read something about her mother being stationed to Agamar and she has also seen a record of a battle on Agamar not long after her mother had been moved there. She opened it and began to read that as well, she didn't like what she read.

"Jedi Archives official account of the Battle of Agamar: This battle was one of the first of this Great War. Agamar had announced its separation from the Republic and immediately we sent forces to try to regain the lost system. The Jedi Angel was stationed there not long before it's separation, we had suspicions that the system would separate with the other divided systems. The battle was a harsh one, much more brutal then many other battles fought by our forces. As a last resort when forces had been nearly completely depleted the Angel was used as the weapon she was designed to be. We stationed her on the front lines for her to active her kyber crystal heart, a powerful kyber crystal- the most powerful one to exist thus far. In activating it a large explosion wiped out the entire army of separatist armies but also took the Angel with them. She did what she was supposed to do, die for our cause."

Athena slammed the book shut. Anger and fear and remorse flowed through her veins. How could the Jedi council hide this from her? Not only that but how could they do this to her mother? Minerva was not a weapon for them to control when they needed a victory. And neither was she. Tears welled up in her eyes. How could they use a living breathing thing like a weapon? They didn't even care about what she left behind, they didn't know about her but even still. What they had done was wrong and Athena was furious. She stormed out of the archives, hot tears streamed down her pale cheeks as she rushed down the hall to somewhere- where? She didn't know. She just wanted out, out of it all. This information was just too much. Her vision was so blurred by her tears she didn't even see the person coming towards her. When she collided with someone else and was knocked onto the ground she only looked up with watery eyes. "Fives." She said, her voice shaking. The clone reached down to help her up. "Athena what's wrong? Ahsoka sent me to come find you she said-" Athena wrapped her arms around him, sobbing into his chest. "It's terrible. It's just so terrible." "What is? What's wrong?" He asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back so he could see her face. "What they did."


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