✨𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖✨

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• Are You Ready to be Strong? •

"So what exactly is this plan of yours again?" Cody asked as he and Athena walked to the hangar

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"So what exactly is this plan of yours again?" Cody asked as he and Athena walked to the hangar. "I sent out a transmission to anyone within reach. It said all able women, should they chose to serve the Republic and would like to make a difference in the world should report to the main hangar of the GAR facility by sunset today." "Why?" Cody asked. "Because it's time I shared this power that I have been given so long ago." Cody froze before giving her a wide eyed look. "Athena," he said softly, "you're going to what?" Athena sighed. Her fingers brushed against the elegant hilt of her lightsaber that hung at her side. So many women held that same saber. All had died tragically, given their lives for something greater then themselves. "It's time for the Jedi Angel to come to an end." Athena spoke. "The Jedi don't need my protection, they never have and they never will." She added. "I will end the Jedi Angel. I will do what my mother couldn't." Cody placed a hand on her shoulder. "Just be careful... I can't be here to stop you from doing something stupid." Cody was being deployed today with general Kenobi to finally put an end to Grevious. Athena was going to miss him. He had become her friend in the time of Five's and Ahsoka's absence. "And you too."

"Are you Athena?" A voice caused athena's eyes to waver from the departing gunships that carried the 212th and turn to look behind her. "I am." Two tan women had entered the hanger. "I'm Trace Martez." One of the women with short curly hair introduced herself. "And this is my sister Rafa." She gestured to the woman with her. "We're here regarding your transmission." "You are?" Athena asked and her eyes sparkled slightly with hope that someone had received her message. "Yes." Rafa affirmed it. "Someone close to us inspired us recently to help fight, to end the suffering of those around us." She said and the sisters shared a look before turning back to Athena. "We want to help you." Athena smiled.a "I'm eternally grateful." Athena replied. "Is this were those who recieved the transmission are supposed to meet?" Another voice called and Athena looked up to see a Twilek enter the room. Athena nodded. "Good. Because there's several more of us on our way to help." Athena felt a warmth swell in her heart. Her call was being answered and things were coming together. Finally, it looked like things might just work out for her at last.

Within hours women of all kinds began to file into the ship Athena had requested. There were Twileks, togrutas, humans, you name it. Finally it came time for Athena to speak, to address why she had gathered all able women to "make a difference". She sighed before clearing her throat, calling the attention of the women to herself. "I suppose you're all wondering what exactly you're doing here." She began. The eyes of several different women were on her as she began to speak. "And I'm going to start by telling you I wish you weren't all here. I wish there wasn't a need for us. But there is. I hate war. I hate that I have to be here and I hate that you all have to be here. I hate that there's evil in our world, wicked and vile men. And I hate that I was chosen to fight it and to protect the Jedi. But today I stand here to offer you all a choice. You're all here because you Beleive. You believe that making a difference is possible and that women are going to be the ones to do it. I believe that between all of us we can beat this evil. We're going to leave here at sunset and finish off a great evil. We're going to make a difference." There was silence as all the women watched her with wide eyes. Athena sighed. "You're probably wondering what makes us different. What makes us different then being just a bunch of girls sticking their noses into 'man's business' and being picked off by the enemy one by one. None of you have the same power of the Jedi or the men who fight these wars or even me." A somber tone set into the space. The women grew tense. But Athena kept talking. "But here's where you make a choice. What if you could chose to have that power. Now. In every generation there's a Jedi Angel who will protect the Jedi because a bunch old men who died thousands of years ago said so. They were powerful men, but I have known women who are more powerful then all of them combined. So I say we change their rules, rewrite their history. I say that my power should become our power. From now on every single girl who could have the power to be an Angel, will have the power to be an Angel. Every girl who could find the strength will find the strength. Every girl who could stand up, will stand up." A breeze flowed through the meeting of women, the force transferring athena's powers from herself to all the women she was with in that meeting. "There will be no more ancient sword or council deciding any girl's fate. We are one." She announced before crossing her arms over her chest. "We're Angels. Every single one of us." She said, "so make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?"

 Are you ready to be strong?"

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