Ch. 85

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January 12, 2020

Cali's POV

" You got all yo bags packed?" Key asked.

" Yup, they by the door waiting fa you to get em." I replied back.

Me and Key was on our way to the private jet to head back home. Despite everything that happened yesterday I really did enjoy this trip, and I think it was good for us. We both got everything off our chest, and all we gotta focus on now is raising our son.

" Come on the bellhop already got our stuff, and loaded it in the car." Key said as he helped me up from the couch.

I deeply sighed as I got up.

" What's wrong?" Key asked me as we walked out of the villa.

" I'm over being pregnant. This is definitely my last trip until I have him. Cause yeah, I feel like a short ass stuffed turkey waddling around dis bitch." I complained.

Key laughed as we got into the car," Well, we ain't got that long. The end of February will be here before you know it."

Our chauffeur drove us to the private jet. He opened the door for me as I got out, and boarded the jet. Key made sure all of our bags were getting loaded onto the jet. A couple minutes later, Key boarded the jet his self.

" Thank you for this baby moon. I really did enjoy this trip." I said truthfully.

" All passengers boarded please take your seats, and buckle up as we're about to take off." The pilot said over the speaker.

I looked down to make sure I was buckled in correctly.

" Me too, and I'm glad you did." Key said as he buckled himself in.

We both went silent as the jet took off. I was staring out the window looking at the clouds until Key started up a conversation again.

" I got some I need to talk to you about." Key said causing me to look up at him.

" Wazzam?" I asked giving him my full undivided attention.

" Umm, The Dumb and Dumber mixtape did so good. We actually got a tour called No Rules Tour." Key said as he rubbed the back of his head.

" Congratulations, that's dope. Where?" I said as I was genuinely happy for them.

" We'll be in America for a month, and over seas the other month."

" That's great Markeyvius. I can't wait to pop up at a couple of shows wearing matching outfits with the baby. So, when's the tour? I mean I know it's gone be later on in the year or next year cause you working on your new album. And oh, I was thinking you can stay with me for a few weeks once I have the baby. Maybe you can even come a week before my due date just in case he decides to come early. How you feel about that idea?"

" Karin, the tour start the end of this month."

" Whatchu mean? You're joking right?"

Key shook head no.

" I'm not playing, the tour start at the end of this month." Key said repeating himself.

I busted out laughing, " Quit playing, that's not even funny. Cause yeen that damn crazy nor slow enough to agree to do a tour knowing I could give birth at any minute."

" I'm dead serious, the tour start at the end of this month." Key said with a straight face looking me dead in the eyes.

" So you agreed to do a tour knowing I could have our son any day now? You're basically telling me you're not going to be there fa our son's birth. So what the fuck am I suppose to do? Raise our son by myself fa 2 months while you're on this damn tour? I swear you do the dumbest shit. On God, you do! It never fucking fails son." I said angrily.

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