Ch. 95

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                                                       March 21, 2020
                                                    Atlanta, Georgia

Bezel's POV

When Caliana told me she was going to Atlanta I flew to Memphis, so she wouldn't be driving by ha self

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When Caliana told me she was going to Atlanta I flew to Memphis, so she wouldn't be driving by ha self. It's like whenever she call I be ready to drop whatever I'm doing fa ha.

" So, you really like it?" Caliana asked me as she sat on the bed.

I looked over at ha, " Yeah, dat bitch pressure. It's gone be the hottest club outchea fa a while."

We had just came back from going by Ash's nem, and we went to see the club. I was proud, and amazed at dat fact that she got all of dat done while she was pregnant. The club is definitely fye, and I already know it's going to be bigger than what it already is. Cause Caliana a boss, and she got the hustle of a real street nigga. So I know this just the beginning fa ha with this club shit.

" I hope so, cause I just wanted to fulfill at least one of Shy's dreams since he couldn't. Ya know?"

Caliana is the most selfless, hard working, loyal person I know. She has a pure soul that just shines throughout her entire aura. Yeah, she's beautiful on the outside to look at, but it's who she is as a person on the inside that's what attracts me to ha.

I nodded my head, " Well, luv you definitely did. I know he proud of ya."

" You sure you didn't have nothing important to do today? Cause I know how busy your job is." She said as she laid A'Kyrie on his back since he was now sleep.

" Nah, Rashad nem can handle shit without me fa until tomorrow. If not dats da ass when I get back." I said truthfully.

" Brayden can I tell you some?" She said in a soft tone.

I looked at ha cause I know it's some serious since she calling me by my real name.

" Yeah, wazzam?"

" I never told nobody this, but when I was in New Orleans I had a dream about Shy. But like, ion even think it was dream cause everythang felt too real. He came and visited me." She said looking over at me.

" So, what happened?" I asked.

" He told me it was ok fa me to move on, and to keep looking fa love. He said dat it don't matter if I meet somebody new or it's somebody I've known fa years. This happened a few days after we reconnected, and ion know if that's a sign as to he's ok with us. But my feelings hasn't changed since I told you how I felt in Houston. You never told me if you ever felt the same way or not, and if you don't then dats cool. Just be real with me, and let me know what it is and what it ain't."

I shook my head, " Wowww, dat shit crazy!"

She looked me confused, " Whatchu mean?"

" When we stopped talking I went to Shy's grave just to vent, and dat same night I had a dream bout him too."

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