Chapter 24

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Liv walked slowly to the door of her grandparents' house, carrying her bags. She looked back to her mom and Rory, who grinned at her and gave her a supportive thumbs up. She rolled her eyes and carried on towards the door.

Before she pressed the doorbell, she turned again, this time to her mom and Rory waving, pulling a stupid face and getting back in the jeep.

Liv rolled her eyes and pressed the doorbell, plastering a grin to her face. It faltered as she was greeted by this week's maid.

"I take it you're Miss Gilmore?" She asked in a German accent.

"Ja," Liv smiled falsely, "and I take it that they couldn't be bothered to greet me themselves?"

Liv picked her bag up and walked in.

"Actually," a voice said from down the hallway, "you were early so we weren't quite ready."

Liv grimaced and turned to see Emily staring with her eyebrow raised and arms crossed and Richard with an amused smile.

"Sorry," she smiled, "it's nice to see you both."

"You too, Olivia," Richard said, "Julia, please help Olivia with her bags."

"Yes, Mr Gilmore," the maid said, grabbing the bags.

"So, your mother and Rory left straight away I suppose?" Emily said, looking slightly disappointed.

"Of course they did, Emily," Richard said, "eager to get their European adventure started!"

"Yes," Liv nodded.

"Well, anyway, it's lovely to have you staying with us, Olivia," Emily said, slightly surprising Liv.

"Thank you," she smiled, "oh, and thank you for letting me stay with you. Backpacking across Europe isn't really my thing. I much prefer 5 star hotels to run down hostels."

"Naturally," Richard smiled.

The three of them went into the living room, where Emily passed Liv a drink.

"So, Liv, let's get the boring stuff out of the way and have a little catch up. Which college have you decided on?" Emily asked her, making Liv bite her lip.

"Actually, I haven't decided yet. I still have a few more weeks but I'm still torn between Yale and Harvard. Like Rory is," Liv explained.

"Well, you need to decide carefully. Obviously, you know which one your grandmother and I would suggest," Richard chuckled.

"Yes, I'm well aware," Liv said, sipping her drink, "actually, is it okay if I go and settle in to the pool house?"

"Yes, yes. You know where it is, don't you?" Emily said.

Liv nodded and walked to the pool house, dropping onto the bed and sighing loudly.

She drifted off for a few minutes, being awoken suddenly by a knock at the large window.

She said up and grinned, sliding the door open for Jess.

"Hey, Liv," he said, hugging her.

"Hey, you," she smiled into his chest, "I'm surprised they let you in."

He pulled away and grabbed the curtain, "that reminds me: they don't."

Liv's eyes widened as Jess pulled the curtain all the way across the window and grabbed Liv by the waist.

"How did you get in then?" Liv asked.

"Parked down the road and snook in over the fence. They really need to sort their security out: someone could break in," Jess smirked, walking her back slightly to the bed, putting her arms around his neck slightly before putting her own on his waist.

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