Ch 2: The Devil Wears Silk

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Nini anxiously tapped her foot on the ground. She has exactly 25 minutes until Ricky walks through the main entrance, it was a 15 minute walk to the office, and this dude in front of her at the Starbucks could not for the life of him choose what the fuck he wanted to order.

She kept checking the time every few seconds, feeling her heart beat faster with every wasted moment. Ricky had told her to be there at 7:45 today since he was expecting more calls than usual due to new clients, and she did not want to possibly screw this up. Of course today is the day of all days her car decided it needed a battery change.

"Hmm so you're saying a grande is a medium, and a tall is a small here? Well that's contradictory." The man says.

Nini grunted and tilted her head back. She's convinced this man has never ordered a coffee here in his life.

The cashier had a patient smile, and Nini was genuinely impressed that she could hold up that façade when this guy has been trying to order for five minutes now. "Yes sir, that's correct."

The man hums. "Fascinating, and you're saying that a venti is actually-"

Nini let out a loud groan, causing a few of the people to look at her. "Oh my god dude, I will literally pay for your drink if you let me order. I need to be somewhere like now."

The man gave her a blank face before smiling. "Be my guest."

She whips out a ten dollar bill and aggressively hands it to him as she makes her way to the register.

"I'll have a grande black coffee please."

She tapped her fingernails on the counter as she watched the barista pour the drink far too slowly for Nini's liking. When the cashier rings her up, she practically snatches the cup and leaves another ten on the counter, not caring about change right now.

She checks her phone to see how much time she has left. It was 7:29, which means she only has a minute to spare. She began running as fast as she could with a cup of joe in her hand and with worn out black pumps from Target.

She could feel the wind messing up her freshly done curls, but she wasn't concerned with that at the moment. She was not getting yelled at or worse fired because some random dude was indecisive. She's gotten too far to go down like that.

She accidentally collided into a few people as she crossed the walkways, only giving them a brief apology. She finally saw the building a few feet away and smiled, but her face fell when she saw the crosswalk light turn red.

She stopped in her motions, almost falling on her face. She eyed at her phone clock again, 7:40.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

She considered jaywalking, but there were too many cars, and she thinks she saw a cop car drive by. She eyed the crosswalk light as if it would magically turn green again if she stared at it long enough.

When it finally gave her the clear to cross, she booked it. A little bit of the coffee had spilled onto her hand causing her to wince, but her adrenaline had cancelled out the pain.

She forgot to look across the street in front of the building and almost gets hit by a pick up truck, but she doesn't even notice it. She barges through the front doors, panting like she just ran a marathon.

Ashlyn had looked at her worried and a little confused on why she had been in such a hurry.

"Nini, did you run here?"

Nini walks up to the desk and struggles to get a word out. "What time is it?" She says breathlessly. Nini didn't even have the energy to check her phone.

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