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As Aara walked out the old,mahogany door of her house,she was enveloped in a calming cold breeze.It seemed odd,as it was the time of year when sunshine was handy.Nevertheless,she strolled into it,with a maroon scarf draped loosely across her head,of course she was careful not to reveal even a single strand of hair. She walked past the little rent-in cottages by the beach,which were being built for 'future tourists'.Aara did not bought this idea completely.Afterall,it seemed entirely baffling to her that a certain someone will come out of nowhere and change the appearance of her beloved Mystelwood.Famous travel writer!Aara scoffed thinking about the post visiter.

Everything started a month ago,when Mayor Roseline announced the arrival of a special guest who would lift the locals off their tough days.Was that even possible! She could not help being pessimistic.Wherever she went,people would talk about him,in whispers or with sheer anticipation.She really hoped that man would turn out as what everyone was hoping for.Aara could not bear to see the sadness in her people's eyes if their hopes become crushed.Allah,it was your decision that the fire broke and it is your decision that this man is coming to our aid.Guide us all and make us strong so that we can withstand the toughest of calamities without falling apart. Aara prayed silently.

Mystelwood was a small town with a landscape and a climate worth dying for.Its beauty was a nerve-wracking wonder.But like all good things,the beauty of Mystelwood was shadowed.Aara came here at the age of seventeen,when her father lost a huge sum of money in a dreadful investment.They were bankrupt and two days before they were ordered to leave their house by the court,a friend of Aara's father came up with this town.

And,moving to Mystelwood had been the best decision of her life.She fell in love with the place the moment their worn-out car crossed the borders of this little paradise.Her time here had been bittersweet ,bitter part being the early days when no one really welcomed them with warmth.The reason being,they were muslims.But eventually they became friendly,even though occassionally some people do give them strange looks.But she knows Allah is there with her,so she always returned those looks with the most beautiful smile of hers that leaves them confused.

She smelled in the familiarity of surroundings that asswarmed her.Somehow,it made her feel better.Everyone enjoying there time in a beautiful day,all with a serene smile,uncaring of their busy lives outside the beach.Tranquility was something just remembered,like a childhood friend.Aara walked past the little to-go shop where she worked part time and smiled at the old lady who owns it.She really like her,more because of her bubbly nature that doesnot make anyone around her feel like an outcast.The woman was one of the first ones who welcomed Aara and her family with a smile on her face when they first came to Mystelwood.

"Aara,dear,why ain't you home,relaxing?After all its your day off.I told you saturdays are for family and no work!" She asked shaking her head as her brows squinted.

"Who said I'm here to work,Granny?"

Aara winked at her.She still remembered the day when she gave her the job saying the only condition was that Aara will her granny.That was more than fine with Aara since she didnot really have any grandparent influence in her life unless she counts Hannah,who was more like an aunt figure.

"It's the beach.You know how much I like it here".

With a wave Aara continued her little walk towards her usual spot at the far corner of the beach,where there were always few people,sometimes none at all.As she neared the little patch of ground beween two perpendicular boulders,she was surprised to see the place already occupied by someone.

Aara sighed,another not-so-likeable aspect of the day.From where she was standing,Aara could make out that silhoutteof a guy.Her age or not,she couldn't tell.

Why did he have to seat on my place,well technically not mine but still I found it first.Almost everyone in the town knew how much Aara loved sitting in that corner of the beach.They see her sit there countless times,hugging her knees close to her chest and drifting to some unknown world of thoughts.And so nobody really mind giving her that space and Aara respected that generosity whole heartedly.

Nevermind I'll just have to deal with him now!Aara thought furiously and hurried towards him, while simultaneously the sun decided to peek out of the clouds and shine straight on her eyes.

She squinted her eyes,trying to block the glaring of sunlight with one hand,when suddenly she realized the guy could be none other than one of those infuriating twins!They belonged to the only muslim family here other than Aara's and there were so many times she found herself will wishing she could strangle the boys,like now.

So with one hand across her face and the other smoothing the creases of her dress,Aara growled at one of the two most annoying creatures on the planet.

"Henry or Harry!What the heck!I am not in a civilised mood.Get off from my place it isn't funny!Allah knows if you annoy me one more time I swear-"

Oh boy!But the guy infront of her wasn't Henry or Harry Castellan.


Salam my lovelies,how are u all?
Another chapter for ya!!!
Please give me spiritual ideas..
And don't forget to vote and comment,u must do it!(begging with puppy eyes)

Quote of the day-
"There will come a time when you will believe everything is finished,that will be the beginning."

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