Chapter 1: Why am I?

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-Seems like luck hit us on the head bro! -shouted Matt while he heard echos from the cave.

It all happened in an instant on that fateful day. The two young brothers opened the fancy looking ball and at that moment a beam brighter than a thousand stars emerged...



As his amber colored eyes opened, little Marc looked at his left hand where an immeasurable sensation of pain ran trough his veins.  He was somewhere else, without Matt and chained to a cold stone wall. A masked man had just cut his middle finger with a powerful slice that splashed his own blood on his innocent face. 

The screams, the taste of iron in blood and the unknown is enough to make anyone insane. A true feeling of oblivion.


Ever since he was a small child, Marc Bouchard always had a silly and caring personality. His mother gave birth to a set of twins in the year 2018, in a little town called Fallax. The french family happily lived in one of the best dojos of France since the boys were 2 years old. Famous all over the world thanks to their fathers'incredible talent in mix martial arts, the Bouchard dojo receives students from many different countries. 

The other brother, Matthew, was a true genius in battle and at school as well. He received a black belt at the age of 7 years old and is a future star of martial arts. Matt defeated many experts with ease in international tournaments. It's easy to understand that the more mature of the brothers had a astronomical potential and that they weren't in the same league at all. He graduated from middle school two years in advance because he simply was to smart for his age.

The same cannot be said for the funniest twin... Marc never was good at something other than eating his dinner under 30 seconds to go play. He barely passed middle school but the boy can still handle his own in a fight. After all, he learned from one of the best. Marc isn't jealous of his twin like a few people may think. He's the loving type of person to always want the best for people he loves. The 12 year old boy never judges a book by it's cover and because of his sweet personality, he doesn't like to go first in a fight. His parents describe him as someone who was born with a gentle soul. 

Everything changed for this family and the rest of humanity in 2030. The year of the awakening...



-Ahhh!!! -Marc screamed as he saw his finger fell on the wooden floor.

The poor kid kept screaming and crying as blood gushed out from the opening in his hand.

-Matthew me!!! Where am I?!

Both guards present stared at him thinking that he might be going nuts.

-Let's stop the interrogation for today, he got his taste of the first day in max prison. -commented one of the guards as the other was ready to chop another finger.

-Tsk... fine, as long as we get more juicy fluids out of him tomorrow  -said the man with a big smile. 

Marc didn't understand what was happening. One second he was with his brother in a enormous cavern having fun and now he was in a sort of prison, being scared for his dear life. While the guards were pushing him towards his jail cell, the small teen had a million questions on his mind. The pain didn't bother him as much as he was looking for possible answers to the mysteries of his mind. Something was for sure, that boy didn't do anything wrong.

-Here you go you little shit!  -said the guard as he pushed Marc in a cell with incredible force.

He landed face first in the hard cement floor and didn't bother getting up as he stayed on the ground lifeless. A few moments after they locked the door and left, a shadow from across the room seemed to move. By the corner of his eye, Marc realized that he was not the only one in the cell. A tall and dangerous looking man picked the boy by his neck and faced him straight in the eyes. Marc was almost choking by the pure strength of the grip of the fellow. The man let go of him and opened his dog-like mouth.

-So so so, what in the hell did you do to end up in here?! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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