Prologue: The Countdown Begins

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A/N: This is a self-indulgent reader-insert, following my common trend of killing off the parents early. Is it important to the plot? Kind of. Did I mostly do it so I don't have to type in (m/n) and (f/n) a lot? Yes.

Anyways, hope you enjoy :)


The scent of antiseptics, and of chemicals you couldn't identify, permeated your senses. You struggled against the binds on your wrists and ankles, crying helplessly as the strange people approached you.

You didn't want this. Whenever they did this, it hurt so much.

Whimpers escaped your lips as the doctor, no, your kidnapper, came closer with the needle, the tip dripping with yet another unknown injection that would no doubt set your blood on fire.

"Now, now, be still. This is important for our research, you know. You're the only one left, but I'm sure that your results will help with our antimatter studies," the man grinned maniacally. You thrashed in a hopeless attempt to get away.

No, no, no, don't come closer!


You gasped, shooting up from the bed as you trembled. Stumbling out of bed, you hurried to the bathroom and splashed your face with cold water, sagging as your body finally calmed in the realization that it was just a dream... It wasn't a dream, your brain corrected you. It wasn't just a dream, but a memory that was no longer relevant. You didn't want it to be relevant.

"Hey, (y/n), are you okay?" there was a knock on the door, and you could hear the underlying concern in the man's voice.

"I'm fine, Uncle Omi," you tried to smile reassuringly as you opened the door, though it was a bit shaky.

Karasuma frowned. "Was it a nightmare again?"

You winced. "...Yea," you sighed. "I'll get over it though."

"Are you sure you're okay?" he hovered awkwardly, and you felt your mood lift at the sight. Even though it'd been nearly a decade since the man had taken you in, he was still adjusting to the role of a kid's guardian.

It was a bit funny, actually. He was usually so serious and good at everything that he did, yet he was totally at a loss when it came to parenting. That was why you ended up doing a lot of the cooking once you were old enough; you didn't exactly want to live on cup ramen and takeout for your entire life. Karasuma was really busy too, so you tried to be as low-maintenance as possible. It already meant a lot that he'd taken you in and practically raised you since the young age of five. You threw his spartan training to the back of your mind. Those memories sucked.

"I'm really fine, don't worry," you grinned.

He raised an eyebrow but relented. "If you say so, kid."

"Yup, anyways, I gotta get ready for school," you said, pushing him out, a wide smile still plastered on your face. "I'll be done in twenty."


You walked into class, having managed to get there about ten minutes before it started, and took your seat next to Asano.

"Hey, Shuu-kun," you greeted.

"(y/n)," he nodded, his lips having twitched up a single millimeter, which, for him, was a lot considering it was entirely genuine.

In his opinion, you were the most tolerable classmate of the imbeciles in A-class, and the most worthy of his respect. Unlike the braggarts in the virtuosos (*ahem* Koyama and Seo *cough*), you actually consistently maintained all of your scores and your rank, putting a lot of effort into your studies. Not to mention that you actually gave him competition as the one student at his level in pretty much everything, physical and mental.

Natsukashii (Assassination Classroom! Various x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now