Chapter 1: Karma, No- (Pt. 1)

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You sighed, slumping on your desk for a nap after finishing the last bite of your lunch. The day had been hectic, the class having taken a while to calm down after the reveal of your relation to Karasuma. If you had any victories for the day, it would be that you'd made several new friends in the span of a few hours. You and Kayano clicked rather quickly, and several of the other girls were already on friendly terms with you. Not to mention, the boys were pretty nice too, though Maehara reminded you a bit of Ren with his flirtatious tendencies.

"Man, I still can't believe Karasuma-sensei is your guardian, (y/n)," Sugino sighed. "None of us knew you were so badass too..."

"Mah, (y/n)-chan was always super cool though. Of course her guardian is as cool as her," Rio grinned widely, jumping into the conversation. "But it does feel kinda weird, knowing that some of us think he's hot..."

You pulled a face at that, before shrugging it off. "Well, it's not like we're biologically related anyways," you mused. "He took me in when I was younger after my parents passed... and he's still pretty young. Bachelor age. If he wasn't like an uncle or dad to me, I would say he's pretty good looking too..."

"Hm? Is there a reason that he took you in instead of someone else?" Nagisa asked, before frantically waving his hands around. "W-Wait, I didn't mean to be rude or anything, please don't be offended!"

His nervousness made you giggle a bit, and you poked his cheek. "Don't worry, your question is pretty valid. We're not related by blood at all, but my parents were good friends, sort of like mentors, to Uncle Omi. Since I didn't have any other family members left, he took me in."

"I-I see..." Nagisa said, calming down when he saw that you really weren't angry. A small blush crawled to his face as you continued to pinch his cheek. "Um... (y/n)... could you maybe let my cheek go?"

"What if I said no?" you teased. He pouted.

"Please stop teasing me."

"Alright, alright," you giggled, patting his head indulgently. Maybe Karma influenced you too much... Now that you thought about it, wasn't he returning soon? In fact, wasn't he supposed to be returning today? You were sure that he was already informed about Koro-sensei...

You shrugged it off as him ditching again, and returned to the conversation with your group of friends, which now included Kayano.

"Hey, (y/n), are you gonna try killing Koro-sensei today?" the green haired girl asked curiously.

"Hmm," you put your chin in your hand as you thought about it. "Nah, there's really no rush. I wanna pull something off that isn't just a whim. Besides, I wanna get to know him a bit more before trying anything," you smiled. "Gauge his strengths and weaknesses and all that."

"Really? It would've been cool to see you in action though..." Rio pouted.

You chuckled sheepishly. "I'm not that great, honestly. Uncle Omi is definitely better at fighting than I am, especially with the amount of experience he has backing him. I'm still in training, y'know."

"But still, you're probably ahead of us. It would be nice to see," Sugino said with a grin, arms going behind his head.

"I suppose so..." you trailed, tapping your finger against the surface of your desk.

Even with enhanced abilities... I need to perfect my use of them first, especially since Koro-sensei is definitely superior in all fields. Profiling him is probably the smartest move for now. I want to pull of something good, something that has the lowest possibility of failure. None of my classmates know what killing really is... and I rather keep it that way.

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