Chapter 6

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If you asked her if she were okay, she would just smile and say, "I'm fantastic, why wouldn't I be?". Though we all know she isn't 'fantastic' as she says.

She's a mess, though she doesn't show it. She is worried, scared and has too many other emotions she didn't even know the names of. Her best friend since middle school was kidnapped and she couldn't do anything to save him.

Mina was with the rest of the 2A class outside the dorms doing a headcount, the only people not there was obviously Kirishima, and surprisingly Kaminari. He's probably stuck somewhere, the idiot does get himself into some pretty interesting, though sometimes concerning, situations.

But that didn't stop her from worrying about her blond friend. What if he was taken too? No, no, why would they take Denki? He can't even open a door without hitting his face with it.

But when she saw that stupid blond come running out of the dorm building, to say she was relieved would be an understatement. She let out a sigh and smiled as he came to stand next to her.

"Where were you Denki?" she asked as she hit him in the head and then hugged him. She didn't let go until she was certain he wasn't going to vanish into thin air.

As she let go she looked at Kaminari with expectant eyes, "I, um, I was uh, I was in my room listening to music and I didn't hear the alarm go off and when I came out and saw nobody in the common room I panicked. I went to check the rooms, but no one answered when I knocked so I went to the teachers' lounge and didn't see any of them." He rushed out, still trying to catch his breath from all the running he had just done.

"And when I didn't see them, I came out to see everyone standing here." He looked around, confusion clear on his face. "Did something happen?" Denki asked looking back at her, only for Mina to shake her head and look away with teary eyes. How was she gunna tell him that Kirishima was kidnapped?

Mina took a step towards him and laid her head on his shoulder, "Kirihima's gone," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "He was kidnapped by a villain."

She felt the blond tense and bring his arms around her shoulders. It was then that she admitted that she wasn't fantastic, that she was a complete mess. She cried and cried till she couldn't anymore.

This had caught the attention of Sero. He looked at Kaminari with worried eyes and when he saw that the blond was also close to crying, he came over and put arms around both of them.

Together the three friends stood there, holding each other, hoping that their redheaded friend would be alright.


After he was set down on the other side of the wall, he quickly deactivated his quirk and dragged the redheaded boy to a nearby alley. He had to be quick before the reporters start to show up.

He leaned the boy against the wall and took out his phone. His fingers quickly typed in the right numbers and then he put the phone to his ear.

After a few rings, Shigaraki picked up.

"Ankoku," his voice sounded even raspier over the phone. "I hope that the plan went accordingly?" Ankoku looked down at the boy and furrowed his brows.

"Yes it did Boss," he heard Shigaraki hum approvingly. "Good, get Shishori and get back," he said and hung up before Ankoku could answer.

Looking back at the boy, who was starting to wake up. He groaned and brought his hand to the back of his head.

"Ankoku?" he mumbled before his hand dropped down and his head tilted to the side. It seemed that he passed out again.

Ankoku froze. How did the kid know his name? Is that why The League wanted him? Does he know too much? Shaking his head, he put those thoughts aside and focused on what was happening outside the alleyway.

He peeked his head out of the alleyway, he saw Tento attack the reporters and Hino setting the building on fire. He smirked and listened to the people's pitiful screams.

He walked back and thought about how the boy knew his name. Does The League want to recruit him? His thoughts were interrupted when he heard sirens, which meant he had to hurry the fuck up or he'll be caught.

Another phone call saw Shishori coming down from above and set down next to the unconscious boy. By the questioning look on her face, he thought she was expecting someone else.

Looking at him, Shishori nodded and grabbed the boy by the arm and held her hand out to him. He dismissed it and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and told her to hurry up.

Shishori rolled her eyes and activated her quirk. He felt the wind pick up and saw some empty cans being blown away by the sudden breeze. Their feet left the ground and then soared through the air, leaving the injured people and burnt buildings behind them.


After Aizawa had done the headcount, he made them go back to the dorms and had them lock the doors. He hadn't realized what an impact Kirishima had had on his classmates and seeing the saddened and broken looks on their faces had brought him to the realization.

He had to get answers and soon. What does The League want with Kirishima? What made him so important that he had to be kidnapped? What are they planning? Those are the questions he found himself with. And the only way to get answers is by asking the right people.

Calling Bakugou over, the two walked to the teachers' lounge where they could talk without being bothered.

"Alright Bakugou, walk me through what happened," he said as they sat down. Bakugou tsk-ed and crossed his arms.

"It seems to me that you already know what fucking happened," Bakugou growled, leaning against the back of the couch.

Sighing, Aizawa shook his head,
"All I know is that Kirishima was kidnapped. I need more than that," he said, rubbing his temple.

Bakugou scowled, and rested his elbows on his knees,
"You want to know what happened? I'll fucking tell you what happened." his face contorted in anger, "This fucking school's so-called defensive system failed to do its own fucking job and you lost a student because of it."

Aizawa looked at the blonde with an unreadable expression and stopped Bakugou from his rant,
"The defences failed because there was an interference with the system. We were shut out when the attack happened," he said, looking the blonde in the eye.

Bakugou's scowled softened so slightly you would have thought you had imagined it. He glared at his teacher,
"And that is my problem why?" he asked, his glare becoming harsher.

"It's not your problem, I just told you why the defences failed." Aizawa's voice was as emotionless as his face. "Now I'm going to ask you again and you're going to answer me," his emotionless voice became threatening. "What happened?"

Bakugou leaned back, his glare wasn't as harsh as it was before. He crossed his arms and told his teacher what had happened, from the very beginning where they were in the common room to the end where the figure flew away with Kirishima.

Throughout the blonde's story, Aizawa had pulled out a notebook and pen from his scarf and took notes. When the blond finished, he went through them and nodded his head.

"Alright, you can go back," he said, putting away the notebook and standing up. Bakugou scowled at his teacher and left without another word.


That's all for today, hope you have a wonderful day/night whatever it is, hope it's a good one!

Edit 1: Jan 13 2022

Edit 2: Jul 2 2024


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