Chapter 5

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Bakugou 3rd P.O.V

He didn't know what to do and that drove him crazy. He just stood and watched as his best friend was kidnapped right in front of him. And he did nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. Yeah, sure he jumped into the air trying to save him. But that's all he did. He fucking jumped.

He was disappointed in himself, he should have done more than fucking jumping. How was he supposed to be a hero if he couldn't even jump far enough to reach his best friend? And now because of his little to no effort, Kirishima is gone.

He tried to blow the person up who had laid a hand on his shoulder but found that his quirk wasn't working. He almost panicked but calmed down when he turned his head to glare at the person.

Behind him stood Eraserhead, or Aizawa-sensei. His hair was floating, and his eyes were red, which told Bakugou that was the reason his quirk wasn't working. He harshly shrugged the hand off his shoulder and turned to face his teacher fully.

"What?" he growled, still pissed at himself. Aizawa just sighed and deactivated his quirk.

"I want to know what happened here." his voice was as emotionless as ever, like that half-and-half bastard, but without all the trauma.

Bakugou scowled and looked at the ground, mumbling.
"What was that Bakugou?" Aizawa asked.

Bakugou sighed and looked at his teacher,
"I failed." was all he said. He looked away trying his best not to let the pro hero see the tears threatening to fall.

When Bakugou found that a hand was placed on his shoulder again, he didn't even react, allowing Aizawa to lead him away and into the dorm building.


Tento (a.k.a. The Thief) 3rd P.O.V

Ya know, they didn't expect things to move so quickly. It felt just like yesterday when they had robbed the Midoriya-family and found out their secret. And if you are wondering what it is, they aren't allowed to tell you because they are under strict orders from Shigaraki.

But that doesn't mean they can't leave you a hint on what it is. Though I think they would make it super obvious as to what it is, so they aren't going to tell you.

They were standing in the crowd of reporters that stood outside of UA. The reporters had quickly heard about the attack and had rushed to try and get a story, though it was impossible seeing they couldn't even step foot past the entrance gate. Tento was waiting for the signal from Hino to set their plan into motion.

You see, the plan is quite simple. They just had to wait for the smoke and then attack. Even an idiot could understand it.

So they just stood there in a sea of adults crowding the entrance like kids in front of a toy store. They were getting shoved and elbowed in every direction imaginable, and they were this close to just starting the attack early.

Right after a rather hard shove, they saw the smoke coming from the buildings across from UA. They grinned and activated their quirk. They knew what would happen if they overused their quirk, but they didn't care. The reporters deserve it, those fucking leaches.

People started screaming, some from the burning building, some from the group of reporters unfortunate enough to be in close range of Tento's attack (which was almost all of them, but we're not going to pay attention to those details).

The people around them began dropping like flies, some got lucky and ran away. They only stopped when they felt their feet being lifted off the ground. Looking around they saw one of the newer villains on a rooftop not so far away.

They let out a small laugh as they were sent flying across into the air and towards the villain making them fly.

"Shishori!" they exclaimed as she put them down on the roof. She smiled and wiggled her fingers at them, "Hey Tento." she said as they hugged.

"Man, I didn't think you'd show up," they said as they stepped away. "Hey!" Shishori said in an accusing tone, but they could hear the playful undertone.

"What?" Tento said, trying to sound innocent but failed miserably. Shishori just narrow her eyes at them and made a little thunderstorm cloud appear above their head.

Tento looked up just in time to have fat raindrops fall on their face. With them being wet and the type of quirk they have, it wouldn't end pretty. If they activated their quirk right now, they and Shishori would have some serious burns.

Looking at her with their best puppy dog eyes, the stupidest pout on their face and their hands clasped together as if they were praying. Shishori just raised her brow with a playful smirk on her face, shaking her head she made the cloud vanish and crossed her arms.

"Is that better To?" she said as if she was talking to a baby. Tento looked at her with a genuine 'what the fuck' expression and she couldn't hold back her laugh.

Her laugh was cut short when they heard sirens beneath them, rushing to the edge of the building they leaned over to see what's happening below.

Ambulances were scattered around, having either a reporter or pedestrian being loaded into the back and driving away. Fire trucks at the buildings across from UA that Hino Akuma had just set on fire, Tento had to admit, his quirk was awesome.

It won't be too long before the pro's start showing up, so they better get a move on.

From where the two were standing, they could see what was happening beyond the walls of the UA building. Students were gathered to the right of the main building, the teachers were probably doing a headcount of the students.

As Tento thought of this, they let out a horrified gasp making Shishori look at them in concern.
"What's wrong?" she asked, her brows furrowed. Tento looked at her with panicked eyes.

"I have to get back." was all they said before Shishori realized what was amiss, she quickly activated her quirk and sent them flying to their desired location.


That's all for today, hope you have a wonderful day/night whatever it is, hope it's a good one!

Edited: Jan 13 2022


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