Unexpected beginnings

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     Penny and Sam were sat on the sofa. "So," Sam asked. "So, this is really happing." Sam had the largest smile Penny had seen from him in a while. "Yeah, It is Sam. It's really happing." Sam leaned over to put his arm around his now girlfriend; Penny more than happily snuggled in. "WE'RE BACK!" They heard Charlie and Bronwen whisper yell causing both of them to move away from each other. "Looks like you two had a good evening." Charlie teased. Sam turned to look at his younger brother, who burst out laughing when he saw how red his face was. "What? You finally confessed your undying love for Penelope Morris?" Penny looked over to Bronwen, who was very amused by the situation. "You knew?" she asked her. "Yes, but sworn to sibling-in-law secrecy. Charlie and I were both waiting until you both figured it out for a few years now." She said, smiling. It was Penny's turn to be embarrassed. Sam smiled. "How long have you fancied me?" The fireman questioned. Penny giggled. "I could ask you the same thing." The fireman smiled, then shrugged. "I hope the twins behaved well," Bronwen said. "They were wonderful," Penny told them. "Sarah did have a nightmare, however," Sam added. Charlie and Bronwen looked at each other. "Again? How bad was it?" Sam sighed. "Not a bad one, just a little jittery. We were able to get her back to sleep easily." Charlie smiled. "You too make quite the team, Sam." The fireman smiled and turned to face his co-worker. "We do, Charlie, we really do." Penny blushed at his statement. "What time is it?" Sam asked his brother. "1:30 in the morning.'' Penny chuckled. "Well, no wonder you look tired, Sam. You had a long day in Cardiff before this." Sam yawned. 

             "You too should get home. Both of you have shifts tomorrow if I remember correctly." Bronwen told the both of them in the tone of voice she gives the twins. "Yeah, your right Bron. We should get home. You want a ride, Pen?" Sam asked. "I'll walk you too out," Charlie said. The firefighters said their goodbyes to Charlie. "Have a goodnight, you too. Drive safe, Sam!" He yelled out. "I always do, Charlie!" Once the door closed, Sam turned to his girlfriend. "You want me to drive you home?" The redhead asked again. Penny told him. "You've had a long day, and I don't want to keep you out longer than you have to, plus I can walk home." Sam placed his hand on his car. "Pen, It's 1:35 am. There is no way I am letting you walk home." It wasn't that Penny didn't want a ride or didn't want to spend more time with him. She didn't want to be more trouble. What time did Ellie and Arnold get off work? 2:00 am, right. "Sam, Ellie, and Arnold get off at 2:00 am, and I can walk to the station to meet them there. I'll be fine." Sam sighed. "Penelope, I know they live with you and that you could get a ride home with them, but please, for my own sanity, let me drive you home. I don't mind that I would get home later. Plus, I would get some more time with you. And I want to." The Blonde looked down. "Alright, Sam." He opened the door for her. 

      They had been on the road for a few minutes, when. "How long have you fancied me, Sam?" He pulled over. That confused her. He looked at her directly in her eyes. "If you asked that to my brother since our last year in secondary, now that I think about it. When you transferred from the Newtown fire department to ours, my feelings re-sparked in a way. I'm not sure why I didn't tell you. I guess I was scared. It's long enough that I'm pretty sure my dad and your uncle and Steel placed bets on if I was ever going to tell you or not. How long have you had a crush on me?" He told her.

       "I would say after getting to know you again, the crush didn't really start until I nearly lost you going spelunking with the kids in the hurricane. I realized then that I was in denial for a few months, possibly years." They didn't notice it, but Sam and Penny were inching closer and closer together while they were talking. Their lips met once again, this time more heated and long-awaited than the other. I kept at it for a few minutes, gaining more and more passion by the second. Penny felt her face flush, especially when he stroked her cheek. They only broke for air. Sam looked at the clock in his dashboard. "2:14. I should get you home." Sam said, turning his head back to the wheel.

           "A few more minutes wouldn't hurt, though?" She asked him. Sam turned to face her. Penny was the one to bring his lips to hers. Sam, however, regained control. He moved his hand to her shoulder right before penny reached for his hair. That was when they heard a knock on the window. Sam's eyes widened as penny pulled away. "What?" she quietly asked. She moved to see what he was looking at. Well, so much for keeping this under the radar. "You guys okay?" they heard Ellie ask as she tapped on the glass. Arnold was behind her, trying not to laugh. "Yeah, we are fine, Els, Arnold. We just got a bit detracted." Penny's housemate burst out laughing.

   "Clearly! We could see you too from the car. I have never had such a perfect moment to say, 'Get a room.'." Penny looked over to her boyfriend who's face was red as a tomato. She knew how to get Arnold back, but that would make things worse for Sam. "He could stay in mine." Arnold went quiet. "Penny," Sam whispered in regards to her comment, placing his hands on his face. She turned to Ellie, who burst out in a fit of giggles. "We will see you at the house, Penny." Arnold was standing in disbelief as Ellie dragged him by the arm. "Sorry about that Sam, I just had the perfect comeback." Sam removed his hands from his face. "I thought we were keeping this under the radar, Pen?" The blonde chuckled. "They won't say a word, trust me." They both saw Ellie and Arnold pass them. "We should get you home." Sam started to drive off. She leaned on the window. This night did not go to plan, but It surprised her in the best way. 

And that is that folks, There will be more stories in verse. I wanted to thank you for how much love and support this story has gotten over the years. I do plan to continue Sam and Penny's relationships in other books and explore others. 

signing off for the last time on this story,

- Rhianne 

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