Boardgames and Confessions

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Penny and the twins were sat around the small coffee table in their living room. "I call Thimble!" Sarah yelled. "Can I be the boat?" Penny had settled on the dog; by the time the twins had stopped arguing over who got to be banker, they all heard a knock on the door. "But James, you always get to be a banker, plus you cheat!" "Not true, Sarah!" "Sarah, James, I am going to go see who is at the door. Please don't kill each other whilst I am gone. " The twins looked at each other. "We Won't!" they both chimed. The blondes' phone pinged. 

Incoming text Sam- 

Hey Penny, I just got here; I forgot my keys to Charlie and Bronwen at my place. Can you let me in? 

Sure thing Sam

Do you think we can chat later tonight?

Yeah, of course. 

Penny opened the door to find her crush. "Hi Pen," he said, putting his phone back in his pocket. "We were about to play monopoly; we can detail you in."  Sam chuckled as he walked through the doorway. "Playing Monopoly with the twins, huh?" He said, giving her a small elbow to the stomach. "Yeah." "You're a brave soul. Morris." Penny chuckled. "We used to play at the station, so how can this be any different." Sam smiled as they walked back into the living space; both twins had settled their argument somehow. "UNCLE SAM!" both Sarah and James Jumped to hug Sam. "Wanna Play Uncle Sam? You and Penny can be the bank teller and property person." Sara said. "That sounds like fun, actually." The fireman said, sitting to the right of Penny. Causing her to blush. sam gave her a strange look.  "You alright, Penny, you look a little flushed." of course, he had to notice. "Yeah, Just fine, Sam." Sam looked a little worried, then turned his attention to the bord. James was the first one out. "But I don't understand! I UGH!'' he said, crossing his arms. "That's the rules, James," Sara told her brother, who stuck out his tonge. The two firefighters were starting to get a little competitive. "I swear, Sam, if you steal my monopoly." The redhead gave her a cheeky grin. "I will buy Boardwalk." "Ugh!" causing Sam to giggle. James was watching intently; it wasn't often that he got to see his uncle's competitive side, and he found it quite funny. Sara was down to her last hundred when she landed on one of Penny's Properties; she was eliminated. "Sorry, Sarah," Penny told her. "It's okay, Penny." since both of the twins we out, Sam suggested calling It a draw and playing another game, but the twins said they wanted to see who won. James started rooting for Penny, and Sarah, Sam. It was getting close and more heated by the second but then. "I won." The redhead told Penny calmly, who was absolutely speechless. "What how? I- that's annoying." "Game well Played, Pen. I should start some dinner; anything sounds good to you two?" the twins groaned. "What?" "Can Penny cook? Please." James asked. Sam shot her a look. "I don't mind." Sam had a little bit of a hurt look. "Do you two not like my cooking?" Sarah and James shock their heads. "Penny?" The older woman answered carefully. "It's not the absolute best in the world, but it's not taruble." Sam looked a little hurt.  "Why Don't you help me?'' Sam smiled at that. "Yeah, sure." 

         Sam and Penny were both in the upper kitchen. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Penny, I left some ingredients here yesterday to make lasagna." The Woman smiled. "That's Perfect." Sam went to grab the needed materials and Passed some to Penny. "Hey, Pen. Are you okay? you have been a bit off at work lately." The Oldest blond stopped what she was doing. "In what way?" "Well, Penny, You've been more antsy than normal. You also constantly look flushed, well, at least when your around me. I've been worried about you recently. You just haven't been yourself." Firefighter Morris was lost for words. Had he just figured out her crush on him? "Please tell me what's wrong. I want to know." Penny put down the package of pasta. "There's something both Bronwen and Ellie have wanted me to tell you." The fireman looked concerned. "Penny is there-" she cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "I like you, a lot, I mean more than friends or Co-Workers. I guess what Ellie said was right; I have a crush on you." Sam set down the knife he was using to cut a tomato and just went over to her and pulled her close. he was hugging her; he gave the best hugs. "I am so glad you told me because your feelings aren't one-sided." He told her, causing Penny to look up. "You mean?" she felt like such a schoolgirl at this moment. "I like you too; we can talk about this more when the kids are asleep." he lifted her face to meet his instead of being buried in his chest. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. Penny just nodded. "I need you to say it." "Yes, you can." he everso lightly kissed her on the lips as if she were the most delicate thing ever to exist. It was short but sweet, lasted a tad longer than they had expected. "We should probably get this in the oven," Penny told the now distracted firefighter. "Yeah, we should." 

Well my Lovely readers it has been a good three years since I published this book, I am truly grateful for all the love I have gotten for it. I am very happy to announce that there will be a few more chapters coming out in the next month or two. I am also back writing on here again so if you have any requests for this story or other FMS one please don't hesatate to ask! I hope you all had a happy holidays and are safe and well. 


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