Chapter One: New Job

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/Alice's look on the side. Jenny is only for the hair/

That day I was very exited. I was going to do my job offer to become an official researcher at the Museum of Natural History of New York.
After having lunch I dressed up and got out. I took my motorbike from the garage and headed to the museum. I parked in front of the building, I climbed the huge staircase and got in the Hall. The enormous skeleton of a Tirannosaurus Rex welcomed me.

-Look how's here- I said smiling. It was me who had found that wornderful dinosaur 3 years before, and I had donated it to the museum. I passed the T-Rex and went to the information desk, where a woman was browsing some documents. She looked up and smiled

-Goodmoring, can I help you?-

-Goodmoring, I'm here for a job interview with Dr McPhee. I'm Alice Greenleaf-

Her eyes widened

-THAT Alice Greenleaf? The discoverer of the Tomb of Cleopatra?- she asked. I laughed a bit

-That's me! Nice to meet you-

We shook hands

-It's an honor to meet you, Miss Greenleaf! I'm Rebecca Hunt-

-Just call me Alice, Rebecca. Can you show me the way?-

-Of course!-

We walked down a side corridor where at the end there was a door with a metallic plate on it that said "DIRECTOR"

-I have to go now, I need to get back to work. When you're done we could go have a coffee?- she said

-Of course! See you later then!-

-Bye!- and she walked back to the Hall. I turned and knocked at the door. I heard a muffled "Come in!" and I entered the room.

-Goodmorning Mr McPhee, I'm Alice Greenleaf. I'm here for a job interview-

The man sitting at the desk smiled at me

-Ah! Miss Greenleaf! What a pleasure to meet you in person! Please, have a seat!-

I sat on the chair on the other side of the desk and we started the interview.

An hour later I got out of the office enthusiastic and with a new job. I headed back to the Hall and I saw Rebecca at info desk. When she saw me she came to me.

-So? How did it go?- she asked

-We're colleagues!-

-Oh, I'm so happy for you!-

-Shall we have that coffee now?-

-Certanely! Let me grab my things and I'm with you!-

Five minutes later we were at the Starbucks nearby drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream. Rebecca had told some curiosities about the museum, and I told her about my trips. Then, Rebecca finally saw my special mark

-Oh my God, Alice, your ears are...-

-Pointy, yes- I interrupted her -I've got them since when I was born-

-They're... Really beautiful!- she said smiling, but still shocked. I chuckled

-Thanks. I like to think that I have elven origins, even because my surname is pretty particular too- (if you know what I mean) Rebecca laughed. We stayed in silence, and finishes our drinks.
When we went out, Rebecca grabbed my arm

-Did McPhee showed you the museum?- she asked. I shook my head

-Well, if you have nothing else to do, would you like to have a tour?- she suggested

-I'd love to!-

-And this is the last exhibit, the Temple of Pharaoh Ahkmenrah-

I stopped in amazement. Guarding the Temple there were two gigantic statues of the jackal god Anubis, the walls where covered by hieroglyphics and at the end of the room, sorrounded by a glass theca and with a stone table over it, there was the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh in person.

-Oh my gods...- I wispered. I headed to the end of the room and reached the sarcophagus. I read the inscription on the side

-"Here lies Ahkmenrah, son of Merenkhare, fourth king of the fourth king"- I proclaimed

-He's been here for 54 years. That that you see hanging from the wall it's the most valuable possession of the Pharaoh: the Tablet of Ahkmenrah- said Rebecca. I looked up and saw a golden tablet, with a broken angle, formed by nine plates that seemed could turn

-Can I see it closer?- I asked. Rebecca nodded. I passed the sarcophagus and faced the Tablet. There were inscriptions on it. On the upper part was written with hieroglyphics "The golden tablet of Ahkmenrah", but that was the only thing I was able to read. The rest were idioms I couldn't recognize, and as hard as I tried, I didn't get anything

-Strange, I can't read it...- I said

-Unfortunately, no one has ever done it before- explained Rebecca.

It had got late and the museum was about to close. We left the egyptian room and I gave her a last look. I was going to find out as much as I could on the Pharaoh and on his Tablet.

Author's note
Hello everyone! Here we are with the first chapter! I warn you, this is my first fanfiction in english. I've written other fanfics, but in italian. Let me now what you think, I'd really appreciate that!

See you in three days with the second chapter!

Stay cool!


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