Chapter Two: What happens at night

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The next day I had permission to stay in my office after closing time to continue my research work. I heard it had been hired a new night guard who was going to replace the other three, a man called Larry Daley. I just hoped he wouldn't make a mess.
I locked me up in my office when the museum closed and restarted working. I figured out a lot about the life of the Pharaoh. He died very young, he was 23 years old, and was killed by his older brother Kahmunrah, who was envious of him. Their parents preferred Ahkmenrah because he was kinder and wiser. He never got married, or more correctly he didn't have time, because he was killed in his sleep.
Then, I heard a voice in the speakers

-Hello? Helloooooo? I'm Larryyyyyyy!- and then other noises and beat boxing. It was causing me a headake. I stood up and rushed out, heading to the Hall. The night guard was sitting behind the info desk with the speakers' microphone at his mouth

-IN THE NAME OF RA, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!- I shouted. He jumped with fright and almost fell off his chair. He looked at me surprised

-Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were here! I'm sorry to have disturbed you!- he started apologizing. I crossed my arms but smiled. After all it was his first night.

-Apology accepted, but try not to make noise, I'm working- I said

-Certanely, no noise!- he said

-By the way, I'm Alice-

-Nice to meet you, I'm Larry Daley-

-It was nice meeting you Larry-

-Same here-

I then got back to my office.
After an hour I decided to stop. Unfortunately, I didn't find out much about the Tablet. I picked up my things and headed to the exit door. I saw Larry asleep at the info desk. I smiled. Then I went to the main door, but as I was about to insert the key in the keyhole, I realised something and instantly stopped, my eyes wide open. Slowly, I turned around. Where did the Tyrannosaurus go?

Trying not to make the slightest noise, I reached Larry. I shook him a little and he woke up

-What...? Where...? Who...?- he mumbled, then he saw me. I put one finger on my mouth telling him to stay quiet, and pointed to the empty platform. His eyes widened and he stood up. Suddenly, we heard the sound of running water coming from near us. We went to the corridor from where the sound came, side by side. We froze. The enormous skeleton of the T-Rex had come to life, and was drinking from the standpipe. Larry dropped the flashlight. The T-Rex stopped drinking and turned facing us, then roared. Larry screamed and started running away. I couldn't move for the shock. When the dinosaur reached me, stopped. It seemed he was observing me, then started sniffing me. Suddenly he started moving his tail like a little dog and looking at me all happy. I was about to cry for the emotion

-You... You recognised me... Oh my gods...- I whispered. Larry reached us, still shocked

-How... How did you...?- he asked panting

-I was the one who found him 3 years ago, he recognised me!- I squealed

-This is both incredible and absurd- he said. Then, he seemed to remember something, and picked out some papers from inside his jacket

-"Instructions. N°1: Throw the bone"- he read -What bone?-

The T-Rex dropped in front of us one of his bones

-Well, I guess it's this one- I said. Larry picked up the bone and the T-Rex immediatly moved his attentions to him

-Hey, wanna play fetch? Do ya?-

The T-Rex shook his tail even harder. Larry threw the bone on the other side of the room, and the dinosaur went after it

-He needs a name- I said -How about Rexy?-

-It's your dinosaur, your choice-

-Ok, so Rexy will be!-

In the meantime, all of the museum had woke up

-Ok, so what's next on those instructions?- I asked. Larry looked at the paper

-"N°2: Lock up the lions or they will eat you"- he said -Quite promising-

Together we climed the staris heading to the African Mammals exhibit. Suddenly, we heard inhumans screams coming our way. We quikly turned around, and went pale

-HUNS!- I screamed

-RUN!- shouted Larry, he grabbed my hand and started running towards the elevator. Someone grabbed me from my ankle making me fall, and I lost Larry's hold. I kicked the hun right in the face and he let go. I started running in another direction. The Huns were always behind me. Without realising I ended in the Temple of the Pharaoh. I rushed in, but the Huns reached me screaming and landed me. I noticed that the sarcophagus was shaking and there were screams coming from the inside. I took breath and shouted in egyptian


The sarcophagus stopped and the screams vanished. Then I heard a command in egyptian coming from there, but I couldn't tell what were the words. But suddenly, the statues of Anubis came down from their platforms and pointed their weapons towards the Huns, and they ran away screaming. I breathed a sigh of relief. One of the two statues helped me up

-Thank you- I said. They bowed their heads and got back to their places. I looked at the sarcophagus, from where now came no sound. I approched it, and placed a hand on the stone table

-I wouldn't do that if I were you, young lady-

I turned around to see President Theodor Roosevelt coming my way, his horse in front of the entrance

-Why?- I simply asked

-He's evil, my young lady. He's been there for 54 years, and he's not coming out tonight- he replied. I didn't answer. Evil. But how? Pharaoh Ahkmenrah wasn't evil, his brother was. And a few seconds before he saved my life. But maybe after thousands of years locked up in a sarcophagus he could have got a bit nervous. I looked at Roosevelt and nodded. He smiled, and bowed

-President Theodor Roosevelt, at your service-

-It's a pleasure to meet you sir, I'm Alice Greenleaf-

-Well, what a surprise! The one who brought us Rexy!-

-Ahahah yes, I hope that's not a problem-

-Not at all, Miss Alice, he's quite of a good company-

I laughed. We got out of the egyptian exhibit and he helped me get on his horse. We galloped back to the Hall. I saw Larry sitting behind the desk with a very tired face. When he saw me he immediately came towards us

-Where were you??- he asked

-The Huns chased me til the Egyptian exhibit and the Jackal Statues saved my life- I answered, getting down from the horse -And you? You look like you just finished fighting a war!-

-Don't even start on there, it's not pleasant to be bit by a monkey on your nose and be captured by pocket sized cowboys and romans!- he said -I quit-
My eyes widened

-What?! But Larry! This could be the coolest job ever!-

-It's not the type of work I was looking for! I don't want to risk my life every night! And it doesn't pay my bills- he answered back

-This is cowardice, Larry. I think you couldn't ask for a better job- I said. He didn't anwer. I put a hand on his shoulder

-Larry, it's almost sunrise, and we have make order in here. Tomorrow night I won't be here, but the next yes. I hope to see you here- I told him

-Miss Alice is right, Larry. Now, if you don't mind, I'll get back to my platform- said Roosevelt, and trotted away on his horse. I looked at Larry, and he nodded. Then we got to work.

Author's note
Hello everyone! Chapter two is here!
Sorry, something happened while publishing the past chapter and deleted all the conversations, but I fixed it! I hope it doesn't happen with this chapter too
Let me know what you think in the comments!
See you on Thursday!

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