KageHina: Bathroom Session

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Just like every game that Karasuno plays, Hinata always ends up in the bathroom.
Just like every game that Karasuno plays, Kageyama watches Hinata run off to the bathroom.
That's what it was just another volleyball game to everyone else, but for Hinata it was another stomach ache.
Another panic attack.
Another crying session.
Another moment where he fell and couldn't get back up.
Another bathroom session.
Kageyama always thought he had a stomach ache.
Kageyama always yelled at him to hurry up.
Kageyama never worried.
Kageyama thought it was just
Another bathroom session.
That was until now.
~Present Time~

Karasuno had another practice game with Nekoma and Hinata was as nerves as ever. Yeah, sure he had friends on that team like Kenma but that didn't help the fact they had lost the first match because Hinata was nerves. Well everyone else thought he was nerves, but really he was having a panic attack in his mind and he was getting sick.
He knew that this wasn't a serious game and was just a better way to improve his skills but that didn't change the fact that he had lost the first match. Hinata was already stressed before the game, actually he had been stressed all week. He had failed his math test that he had stayed all night studing for. He was also stressing over the fact that he kinda, maybe just little bit, had a crush on the angry setter, Kageyama. He had to make sure he didn't make a fool out of himself in front of Kageyama. Which didn't work out since the setter was yelling at him now.
"HINATA BOKE!!" yelled Kageyama. "I'm sorry, Kageyama. I didn't mean to freeze up," Hinata said standing behind the person who was closest to him, which just happened to be Tsukkishima, who was rolling his eyes.
"I SET THAT BALL PERFECTLY AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN MOVE!!" Kageyama continued to yell. This only caused Hinata to feel even worse. Hinata had tears in his eyes. Kageyama saw this and his eyes widened. Kageyama noticed that Hinata had been acting weird around him and he seemed to be stressed but he didn't think Hinata was this bad.
"Hinata I'm s-" Hinata was full fletch crying by now. "I'm going to the bathroom," Hinata said and ran in the direction of the bathroom.
Another bathroom session.
After getting yelled at by the other players and getting glared at by Kenma, Kageyama ran to the bathroom to apologize to Hinata.
Kageyama knew that Hinata grew on him and he had grew a crush on the sunshine, but he would never admit it out loud.
"Are you going to go in there or just stand there till it's too late?" a quiet voice said. Kageyama turned around and saw Kenma standing there.
Kageyama was always jealous of Kenma's relationship with Hinata, but he wouldn't admit that either. "Look I know you don't like me and I don't like you either but Shoyo does which is why I tolerate you, but I won't if you keep making him cry," Kenma said glaring at the other setter.
Kageyama was confused and shocked, "What? I didn't know I was making him cry." Kenma had thought the Karasuno setter was smart enough to know about Shoyo's feelings, but he was wrong.
"You mean you can't see it?" "No, what the hell are you talking about?" "You are a literal dumbass. Go in there and find out." Kenma then walked away hoping that Kageyama would grow a pair and walk in there.
Meanwhile Hinata was in one of the bathroom stalls dry heaving and crying. His mind was running wild with bad thoughts.
You're letting the team down.
You're worthless.
Kageyama will never like you.
You should just quit now.
The team will be happier without you.
The thoughts kept playing on repeat in his head.
He kept crying and he didn't hear the bathroom door open.
"Hinata, are you in here?" asked his crush. "No," Hinata answered. Kageyama sighed. "Hinata, open the door please. I'm sorry for making you cry." Kageyama rested his forehead on the stall door. "No." Kageyama hated hearing the sunshine cry. He hated the fact the he was the one to make him cry.
"Listen, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I knew you had been stress all week and I still yelled at you. Just please open the door. I'm sorry." Kageyama had been on the verge of tears. He loved Hinata with all his heart and yet here he was in the middle of
Another bathroom session.
Hinata suddenly hear Kageyama's sobs and ran to open the stall door. There in front of him was the angry setter crying. Kageyama looked up and saw Hinata's eyes, they were red and puffy, his face was stained with his tears, and he had a runny nose. Kageyama immediatly hugged him.
"I'm sorry." Hinata wrapped his arms around Kageyama and said, "I know."
"I just can't stop them." Kageyama was confused. "Stop what?" "The thoughts. I'm sorry for letting the team down and I'll quit if I have too." Kageyama couldn't believe what he was hearing. Hinata loved volleyball more than anything in the world. Kageyama pulled away from Hinata and planted his hands on Hinata's face. He looked him in the eye's and said, "You can't leave, the team needs you. You're not letting anyone down. Everyone gets nerves, hell even I do. You can't leave." "Bu-" "You can't leave me." and before Hinata knew it Kageyama had placed his lips on his and was now kissing him.
Kageyama pulled away. "Please, don't leave me. Promise me you won't, Hinata." "I promise, Kageyama."
After that Hinata never had
Another bathroom session.

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