Obsidian Walls ~ Chapter 1

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Dream stood there. He stood in the middle of the obsidian walls, Dream slowly walking over to the chest he was left with. Once he opened it, he pulled out a journal and a quill. It was all he had to entertain himself besides the clock on the wall. The clock that slowly ticked. It reminded him of what he could've been doing if he didn't absolutely fuck up his plan to get rid of Tubbo and lock up Tommy.

It reminded him of when Tommy visited him just a day ago, showing him a new "game" with the clock. He wondered why Tommy asked him who he missed the most. Wasn't it obvious who that very person was? Was Tommy just trying to mess with him? Joking about Dream's loneliness? Of course he had separated himself from everyone months ago, when this whole thing started. But this...This was different, at least back then he could still see George.

As Dream slowly opened the journal and sat on the excuse of a bed he was given he thought about George. He thought about how just before it all went wrong and he ended up in this hell hole. He and George used to gamble their items in the field with their makeshift dispenser, they rebuilt the very house Tommy himself burnt down. Yet throughout the whole thing Dream was always the villain. What side was George on? Would George at least visit him? Or did he not want people suspecting something was off about George? Like how after everything, he always went back to Dream.

Dream sat there staring blankly at the journal, he had to write Tommy five novels before he visited him again. The first one was called "How To Get Girls" for obvious reasons Dream struggled with ideas for that, as he didn't really lean that way with his sexuality. He wasn't open about it though, no one in the SMP knew. He sighed as he started writing,

'1. Treat them with respect.'

If only he showed everyone in the SMP respect he wouldn't be in this situation. But he couldn't care less. Everyone, in the SMP deserved what had happened to them because they failed to realize what impacts they made on Dream.

'2. Be kind'

He scoffed at this, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. He thought about how he saved Technoblade's life, but he didn't even try to save Dream's. Dream tried to be nice to Tommy during his exile but Tommy kept disobeying him.
He stopped writing then, abruptly throwing his journal on the ground. At this point he couldn't care less about Tommy's forgiveness, he needed to think of a way out, no matter how hard it'll be.

"Oh come on now, I'm Dream for fucks sake." He smiled slightly, at the idea of hearing Bad yell "Language!" at him one more time.

"I've managed to get out of situations like this before...Just not so complex." he eventually sighed, giving up and laying back down on his so called "bed". He thought about using his favor from Technoblade to somehow get him out.

He stayed there for hours, upon hours. Soon enough a guard came by and dropped him a few raw potatoes. He slowly got up and took them before sitting back in the corner of his cell. This could never be considered a home or a room. In fact, he would never consider it his room. His room, his home was with George in the mushroom cottage. They added an extra floor to it with a small bedroom for Dream. It had lime green curtains and bedsheets. His pillow was lime green with a white blob that had a smiley face on it. Across from his room was George's, George's was mostly blue and white as those were the colors he could see best, it had a few hints of red.

He remembered those late nights they would stay up together, walking through the nearby forest talking about everything and nothing, the lighthearted banter between the two best friends. George was the only person Dream would really open up too. Unless, it came to his sexuality. He didn't want George to think of him differently even though he knew George wouldn't. He had planned on coming out right after he killed Tubbo. But, that didn't work out did it? In fact, Tubbo wasn't even dead yet.

Dream knew he was obsessed with power, he said it himself. But, it was his SMP he had every right to be obsessed with his power over it. Only George was just as powerful as he was. He trusted George with not using his power to destroy the server more than he trusted Sapnap with even having that power in the first place, mostly because he was younger than the two. Therefore, George was the second most powerful in the server. Boy, how hypocritical he was, he destroyed his own server and his own life anyway without the help of Sapnap.

As Dream finished off his potatoes he slowly stood up, walking over to his clock. He giggled as he spun it in circles on the wall. Maybe they were right, maybe he was going insane. But, it's not his fault. Being ADHD and confined to one small space with literally nothing to do doesn't mix well. Along with the fact he truly did miss his friends... It was hurting him in the worst way possible. He hasn't cried yet though, people can't know how vulnerable this whole thing is actually making him.

It does help in some way though, it gives him time. The time he needed to think about how he felt about his certain friend, George, before this he would feel some sort of way around him. Sure, Dream was bisexual. But he obviously wasn't in love. it just didn't make sense. Even the strongest people can be confused. It was another reason Dream was distant, he needed some time to sort himself out first before he got released. Time he needed and appreciated. Although, most of the time was worse than boring. Now here he was, with nothing else but time.

As he slowly pulled himself out of his thoughts and backed away from his now upside down clock, he went to sit down directly in the middle of the box.

But, right before he sat down the lava slowly disappeared beneath the cell, revealing a very familiar figure.

And boy did it look upset.

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