Patches ~ Chapter 3

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Chapter done by: IdkISimpForDream

Dream sighed as he watched Bad take George away. Once the lava fell back down he went and sat down.
Ever since Bad had become a guard things have been slightly better for him. Bad knew about what he did but didn't think he deserved the living conditions he was put in. The very first thing Bad did for him was supply him with cooked meals instead of raw potatoes. Then a few weeks later Bad gave him a small blue plant in a pot. Nothing he could use to escape, but just to entertain himself with more than a clock. The plant didn't need light, because beforehand it had been splashed with some sort of undying potion.

Dream thought back to his visit with George. He really missed George and he was quite happy with being able to see him again. Dream has been pretty touch-starved since he's been put in Pandora's Vault. But, before he could hug George, Bad had told him the visit was over. He was excited about George's next visit. He also kind of hoped Sapnap would visit him also. But, Sapnap would most likely just lecture him on everything he did wrong. Which was really what he didn't need right now.

Prison is meant to help change people for the better. To be a way of rehabilitation for the people who did wrong things. To show them a better way off life. This in fact, was the exact opposite. Dream is only being treated the way he was treating Tommy if not worse. Tommy had a beach to himself, yet he is in a confined box surrounded by lava. Although he isn't necessarily being manipulated, Sam is rude to him and barely cares about Dreams wellbeing. Dream throws his clocks in the lava as a prank, just to have the chance to see Sam when he brings him a new one, although he does get in trouble for it. The last time Sam didn't bring him dinner for a day. But, then Bad came along and started making things slightly better for Dream. He would pay Dream small visits every now and then. Dream snapped out of his thoughts when Bad came in holding something in a small carrier.

"Hey you muffin head, I bought you something that I think will help you get better." Bad spoke softly, he was getting concerned for Dream's mental state.

Dream slowly stood up and approached Bad, "Yeah? What is it?!" Dream spoke excitedly.

Bad slowly set the carrier down and opened it as Dream watched with wide eyes and a grin on his face. Bad slowly pulled out a small cat. The cat was a mix of orange, brown, and black. With a white underside, paws, and a small streak of white from it's nose to inbetween it's eyes. The cat had green and yellow wide eyes. It was small and skinny. Bad spoke again,

"Although this is not the best living condition for a pet, I figured we could set something up like a small gate blocking her from going in the lava, Don't worry though! It won't limit your space anymore than it already is, I promise!" Dream carefully took the kitten from Bad as Bad continued speaking.

"I'll bring her a small bed and a few toys along with some food and water bowls. Every now and then I'll take her for a few minutes to let her walk around the bigger part of the prison. I also will make sure you both eat enough every single day. Now, what do you want to name her?"

"I'll name her Patches." Dream spoke excitedly. "Bad thank you so much! I'll promise I'll take perfect care of her as much as I can. I really appreciate this!" Dream said as he started petting Patches who started purring slightly.

"Great! You're Welcome! I'll see you around soon to come set up your cell. You may have another visitor in a few days. Maybe, we can play a board game when I come back! I'll bring one with the food." Bad said as he picked up the carrier and left.

Dream sat down and started petting Patches more, while finishing up his books for Tommy, he decided he might write a song to help pass time in prison. Patches meowed every now and then. For the most part Dream was happy he finally had something to cuddle and talk with. He slowly laid down on his "bed" trying to get as comfortable as possible in it. Patches curled up next to Dream, directly against his side. Dream slowly pet Patches as she purred. They stayed like that for about a hour until they both drifted off to sleep. This was probably one of the best naps he has had since he's been put in Pandora's Vault.

From that moment he realized, maybe just maybe this wouldn't be to bad. Maybe he had a chance to have at least a little happiness while he was stuck here besides his visits from George, who hopefully would visit again soon and get to meet Patches.

The writer's block was bad this time omg
I love how Sapnap auto corrects to Spinal.

Guys RoadTrip is a pretty good song. Did y'all like it?

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