George ~ Chapter 2

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This chapter was written by: spicey0pepper

George always has been the type of person who would choose his logic instead of feelings. He never understood why it was so hard for other people to do that too. It only made sense, right ? Well that was until Dream made him wanna do illogical things. He really doesn't know how to explain.

Maybe if he thought about it twice he wouldn't be in front of the prison door that kept his best friend away. He didn't know if that was a 'good' idea but he just hated the idea of Dream being all alone in a dark room. So here he was.

His heart was racing, making his chest tighter than before as he stood in front of the boy he knew he would give the world to. Even after all the things Dream had done he couldn't bring himself to hate him. Not when Dream always trusted him so much with everything he had.

How could he ? Dream was always on his side even when he fucked up. So why wouldn't he be there for him too ? When Sapnap first told him that Dream was sent to prison he was furious at him. Sapnap was one of Dream's best friends. How could he betray his friend like that ? He should have been there for him. He didn't say anything to him though. At least not yet..

He took off the glasses on his face to see Dream clearly, starting to play with them his hands, whenever he felt anxious he always did play this. Seeing him there like this tore apart his heart once again. After a few minutes of not knowing what to say, Dream finally noticed him.

"George ! What are you doing here ?" He stood up immediately from the bed.

"uh hi" he said awkwardly, he couldn't help it. It was like Dream made his brain turn into mashed potatoes.

"George- " he sighed. George knew Dream probably didn't want him to see him like this. It feels unfair. To him to be here, just because he messed up. Almost everyone did something that was problematic. But why was it when it came to Dream that everyone thought that he didn't deserve another chance ? or thought of helping him instead of locking him in a place ? did they actually think that would make everything better ? If they did, they were much more hopeless than George had thought.

Maybe he is in the wrong, maybe he is going insane, maybe he can't think straight. But somehow he can't find himself to be bothered that much. Which probably should make him worried.

" I missed you " George cut him off. He really did. He missed the old days when it was just the two of them, doing stupid things around the smp. Even though they hadn't been too close these days, George could never stay upset with him for a long time.

"I missed you too." Dream answering back. It was clear that he missed too. George wonders if they both live the same memories in their memories over and over again.

After that they both fell into a comforting silence for a while. Maybe if he tried enough he could forget everything that had happened for a little while.

A book that looked like it was thrown away catches his eyes as he looks around in the small room.

" ' how to get girls ' ? " He asks in confusion , he knew Dream was never the one to stay in a place for a long time without doing anything, but really ?

"I- it's not- Well it's just one of Tommy's stupid games. " Dream says almost frustrated. It was enough to make George smile slightly. It was stupid how he could make him smile even when he feels like the world was collapsing around him.

" Yeah, sure" George teases him, crossing his arms. He likes that he is maybe the only person that could make him blush with embarrassment. So of course he takes advantage of that.

" You are such an idiot. " He says with a soft tone, smiling too. Everything almost feels the same as before. Well, almost.

"George." He hears Bad's voice behind him. And the smiles on both of their faces disappear almost immediately. He already knew what he was going to say.

" I think it's time for you to leave" He says, George knew it was not a suggestion. He sighs with annoyance.

Before turning around to face him, he gives one last reassuring smile to Dream. He doesn't have to say it. They both knew what it meant. ' I'll come to see you again'

His face changes soft to annoyed as soon as he sees Bad. He knew it wasn't only his fault that he had to leave Dream but he couldn't seem to care.

Bad almost seems worried as he starts guarding George to the big doors.

As soon as he leaves the prison, he knows what to do.

He is going to get him out of there.

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