Canto I: The XV Arrival

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AN: Ahhhh..... Ummm... Just gonna leave it here.

Self-indulgent fanfic featuring Dante my favorite Gacha MC, Tired not Fraud Vergilius, and his daughter Charon. Lastly, the chaotic group of 12 Sinners in the Tower of God.

Canto I: The XV Arrival

Abandon all hope, ye who enter - Dante Alighieri



        Once again, Pain...

       It was a familiar sensation to them.

       How many times was it that they experience pain?

    No matter how many times they experience extreme and unbearable painful sensations in their body, they will never get used to it.

  Aside from pain, they were experiencing a sensation of disorientation and vertigo.

How strange.

What happened?

Why they can't remember?

They can feel their selves touching a hard and solid ground. Moving their clock head to look around and listen without their eyes and ears.




They turn their clock head gazing and listening to the source of the sound. Stepping closer to them is a strange creature.

Is it an abnormality?

Is it a Distortion?

Are they in a mirror dungeon?

Refracted Railway?

The strange creature started speaking.

" Hmmm... Another one? Again? The Tower... It's unusual. "

The creature resembles a gigantic and monstrous white rabbit. Its face was featureless except for the black slit-like structure. Looking closer, they could see an eye and mouth inside the slit on its face.

They guessed that this creature was a Distortion when they heard it and started speaking.

" Since the tower allowed your entrances, I would permit it. "

Swinging the long yellow stick with green balls at each side, the creature bowed.

" Welcome to the tower. I am Headon, the Administrator of the 1st floor of the Tower. "

Is this the rumored library?

They nodded their head while getting up from the ground where they were lying and introducing themselves.





" I apologize, but I can only hear the sounds of a ticking clock. It appears that you could understand me but I couldn't understand you. This is a bit of a conundrum. "

They watched Headon walk around in front of them appearing to be deep in contemplation. Thinking of a solution to their current problem.

Headon couldn't understand them. Only hearing the sound of a ticking clock. It was to be expected. Only a few select people can understand them.

Minutes passed, and Headon finally appeared to find the solution to their current problem. Staring at them, Headon summoned a strange floating black ball.

The path to Paradise begins in Hell (Limbus Company × Tower of God)Where stories live. Discover now